
When was the World Expo in Seville Spain?

When was the World Expo in Seville Spain?

The Ibero-American Exposition of 1929 (Spanish: Exposición iberoamericana de 1929) was a world’s fair held in Seville, Spain, from 9 May 1929 until 21 June 1930.

When was Expo in spain?

The Universal Exposition of Seville, Expo ’92 took place from April to October 1992 on La Isla de La Cartuja in Seville, Spain. The theme for the Expo was “The Age of Discovery” and over 100 countries were represented.

Where was the World’s Fair in 1992?

Chicago 1992
The Chicago 1992 World’s Fair was planned to be held in Chicago as the first World’s Fair to take place in the United States since the 1984 Louisiana World Exposition in New Orleans….Chicago 1992 World’s Fair.

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What do the pavilions represent in the plaza de espana?

Surrounding the building are 48 small pavilions, each dedicated to a province of Spain and decorated in intricately illustrated ceramic tiles (azulejos). These were used to showcase the city’s industrial and craft capabilities.

What was the site of the 92 Seville Expo?

Expo’92 Seville was widely known for its massive site, held at the Isla de la Cartuja, reputed site of reference for Columbus for his voyage to the New World, and required at least several days to visit most of the Pavilions.

Where was the Universal Expo held in 1992?

Web de Expo´92. The Universal Exposition of Seville (Expo ’92) took place from Monday, April 20 to Monday, October 12, 1992 on La Isla de La Cartuja (Cartuja Island), Seville, Spain.

What was the theme of the Seville Expo?

The theme for the Expo was “The Age of Discovery”, celebrating the 500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus reaching the Americas after launching from Seville’s port (on the Guadalquivir ), and over 100 countries were represented.

What was the air conditioner system at Seville Expo?

The hot Sevillian summer was largely abated by a microfilter water air conditioning system throughout the site, principally along the main avenues and streets, under canopied sections both of tensile fabric and greenery.