
What will my midwife do at my 38 week appointment?

What will my midwife do at my 38 week appointment?

Your midwife or doctor should: review, discuss and record the results of any screening tests from the last appointment. use a tape measure to measure the size of your uterus. measure your blood pressure and test your urine for protein.

Does the midwife check your cervix at 38 weeks?

You will be offered a membrane sweep (also known as a cervical sweep) towards the end of your pregnancy (around 40-41 weeks) if it looks like your baby will be late. This involves your midwife putting a finger inside your vagina to reach your cervix and gently making sweeping movements to separate the membranes.

Do Midwives check heartbeat at every appointment?

This usually happens when you’re between 10 weeks and 14 weeks of pregnancy. You may also be able to hear your baby’s heart beating during your other antenatal appointments, if your midwife has a listen to it. If your midwife doesn’t listen as a matter of routine, you can always ask.

When do midwives check for dilation?

Often, a woman is asked to have a VE to “obtain entry” to hospital, or a birth centre, or when the midwife arrives to a home birth. They are then usually offered around every 4 hours during labour. Sometimes, a VE is offered to check to see how dilated a woman is before using a birth pool, or receiving pain relief.

What should I ask at my 38 week appointment?

What You Can Expect:

  • Ask about your eating habits.
  • Ask about your sleeping habits.
  • Ask if you’ve received your cord-blood collection kit, if you’re planning to store your baby’s cord blood.
  • Check your weight and blood pressure.
  • Measure the height of your uterus to gauge your baby’s growth.
  • Check your baby’s heart rate.

How dilated should I be at 38 weeks?

Once you begin active labor, you’ll have strong contractions around a minute long and 3-5 minutes apart. It may be hard to talk or move easily. At this point, your cervix will be dilated 3-10 centimeters. (Dilating 1 cm/hr is textbook, but like in early labor, it’s different for every woman.)

Can I refuse internal exam in labour?

You can refuse routine vaginal exams and ask for them at your own request. Sometimes they’re useful in determining baby’s position which may change the way you labour.

What does a midwife do on a home visit?

The midwife or doctor providing your antenatal care will: check the health of you and your baby. give you useful information to help you have a healthy pregnancy, including advice about healthy eating and exercise. discuss your options and choices for your care during pregnancy, labour and birth.

Does midwife listen to heartbeat at first appointment?

You may also hear your baby’s heartbeat at one of your antenatal appointments. Your midwife is unlikely to listen for it while you’re still in your first trimester, as it can be hard to pick up at this stage.

Do Midwives check dilation?

Midwives check for dilation during labor by measuring the opening of the cervix during a pelvic exam.

What questions should I ask my Obgyn before delivery?

Questions to ask your doctor about labor and delivery

  • How will I know that the baby is coming and it’s time to go to the hospital?
  • How will I know my labor pains have begun?
  • What is false labor?
  • What should I do if my water breaks or I notice a bloody discharge from vagina?

What to expect at 38 weeks of pregnancy?

38 weeks: Routine appointment. Your midwife will measure your bump, listen to your baby’s heartbeat, and check your urine and blood pressure – and talk to you about your options if your baby goes overdue (if you’re still haven’t had it by 41 weeks). 40 weeks: Routine appointment (if you’re having your 1st baby).

What to expect at your 16 week midwife appointment?

16 weeks: 2nd midwife appointment. Your midwife will talk you through the results of any screening tests you have had (if you haven’t done this already). You will have more urine and blood pressure checks, and your midwife will listen for your baby’s heartbeat with a special monitor that amplifies the noise, so you can hear it too.

When to see your midwife if your pregnancy lasts longer than 41 weeks?

Your midwife or doctor will also: Your midwife or doctor will discuss the options and choices about what happens if your pregnancy lasts longer than 41 weeks. You’ll have an appointment at 40 weeks if this is your first baby. Your midwife or doctor should give you more information about what happens if your pregnancy lasts longer than 41 weeks.

What to expect at 28 weeks of pregnancy?

28 weeks: Routine appointment. You will have your bump measured, blood pressure taken, urine checked and your baby’s heartbeat monitored, as before. And, if you are rhesus negative, you will be offered your first anti-D injection. 31 weeks: Routine appointment (if you’re having your 1st baby).