
What should I upgrade at TH4?

What should I upgrade at TH4?

First priority upgrades:

  • Barracks lvl1,2. This will help you churn out troops at 50% increased speed.
  • Clan castle.
  • New walls, spring traps and archer towers; build your new walls with spare gold, don’t need to upgrade them yet.
  • Lab.
  • Air defense.
  • Once you have started the air defense, you can upgrade your th.

What is the max elixir storage for TH4?

The December 9, 2019 update added the level 14 Elixir Storage and increased storage capacity of level 13 Elixir Storage at 500,000. The same update increased the loot cap at TH12 from 450k to 500k. The June 22, 2020 increased the maximum storage capacity at higher levels for returned resources stolen in attacks.

How long does it take to max out TH4?

TH4? The total builder upgrade time is ~11 days. Lab time is around a day.

What are the max levels for Builder Hall 7?

Builder Hall level 7 upgrade

  • Unlocks drop ship,
  • Giant Cannon can be upgraded until level 5,
  • All the defenses can be upgraded until level 7.
  • Hero Battle Machine can be upgraded until level 15,
  • Resource buildings can be upgraded until level 7,
  • All the traps (except spring trap) can be ugraded until level 7.

How much is the town hall upgrade in Clash of clans?

Underneath the battlements are what appear to be arrow slits. At Seventh level the Town Hall has 3,200, the upgrade cost is 1,200,000 and last for 6 days. After finishing of the upgrade You will get the Experience: 720. At this Level the Town Hall can store the following maximum amount of Resources: 500,000, 500,000 and 2,500.

When to upgrade from town hall 6 to Town Hall 7?

Going from Town Hall 6 to Town Hall 7 is one of the biggest upgrades in Clash of Clans. This Town Hall level brings with it a huge number of new towers and upgrades, often leading players to a lot of confusion and indecision over which building or upgrade to get first.

How many resources does a 4th level town hall have?

At Fourth level the Town Hall has 2,100, the upgrade cost is 25,000 and last for 1 day. After finishing of the upgrade You will get the Experience: 293. At this Level the Town Hall can store the following maximum amount of Resources: 50,000 and 50,000.

Do you have to rebuild clan castle to upgrade Town Hall?

You must place all available buildings at a Town Hall level before being allowed to upgrade the Town Hall. There are four exceptions to this rule: the first is the Clan Castle; you do not have to rebuild it before being allowed to upgrade to the next Town Hall level.