
What movie has the best Rotten Tomatoes rating?

What movie has the best Rotten Tomatoes rating?

Best of Rotten Tomatoes

Rank Tomatometer Title
1. 99% It Happened One Night (1934)
2. 98% Modern Times (1936)
3. 96% Black Panther (2018)
4. 99% Citizen Kane (1941)

Which movies got 100% on Rotten Tomatoes?

Rotten Tomatoes: 9 movies with a perfect 100% score that you need to watch

  • Modern Times (1936) Stuck at home with the kids?
  • Pinocchio (1940)
  • Singin’ In The Rain (1954)
  • Mary Poppins (1964)
  • The Terminator (1984)
  • Toy Story (1995)
  • Toy Story 2 (2000)
  • The Tale Of The Princess Kaguya (2015)

Are Rotten Tomatoes good in movie ratings?

The Tomatometer score – based on the opinions of hundreds of film and television critics – is a trusted measurement of critical recommendation for millions of fans. When less than 60% of reviews for a movie or TV show are positive, a green splat is displayed to indicate its Rotten status.

Is 100 percent Rotten Tomatoes good?

On the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, a film has a rating of 100% if each professional review recorded by the website is, overall, assessed as positive rather than negative.

Is 95 Rotten Tomatoes good?

It’s easy to confuse the % number on Rotten Tomatoes for a rating of quality, but that’s not what it is, it’s a rating of consensus. The higher the score, the more consensus there is that the film is Fresh rather than Rotten. A movie with 95% is not 20% better than a movie with 75% – the scores don’t measure quality.

What was the number 1 movie in 2020?

Bad Boys for Life
Calendar Gross

Rank Title Studio(s)
1. Bad Boys for Life Columbia Pictures/Sony Pictures
2. 1917 Universal Pictures
3. Sonic the Hedgehog Paramount Pictures / Original Film / Sega
4. Jumanji: The Next Level Columbia Pictures / Sony Pictures

What was the #1 movie in 2020?

Domestic Box Office For 2020

Rank Release Theaters
1 Bad Boys for Life 3,775
2 1917 3,987
3 Sonic the Hedgehog 4,198
4 Jumanji: The Next Level 4,227