
What makes your OC a Mary Sue?

What makes your OC a Mary Sue?

She’s Mary Sue, the most reviled character type in media fan fiction. Basically, she’s a character representing the author of the story, an avatar, the writer’s projection into an interesting world full of interesting people whom she watches weekly and thinks about daily.

What is an example of a Mary Sue?

Here, Mary Sue is used as a derogatory synonym for any protagonist who is hated or dismissed for their talents and virtues. Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker, and Katniss Everdeen are among other famous characters who’ve been called Mary Sues.

How do you make your OC not a Mary Sue?

That’s their core issue. So avoid writing a Sue/Stu character by going deep: ask big questions of your characters and give them unique flaws. Make sure to give them a strong, clear purpose in your story– a purpose that even your reader will be able to explain to their friends.

What is the opposite of a Mary Sue?

Anti-Sue is just as bad, if not worse than a Mary Sue. Anti Sue are the exact opposite. They’re unnecessarily mean-spirited, constantly failing at things and generally a joke.

Is Mary Sue bad?

They’re bland, “snowflake-y,” and pretty insufferable to read about or listen to. In fact, the label of “Mary Sue” is often used synonymously with “bad character,” even if the original definition was a little more specific than that.

Is your character a Mary Sue Gary Stu?

A Mary Sue character is an overly perfect character and/or a character that is clearly a glorified projection of the author herself. The are male versions of Mary Sue. They are known as Gary Stu or Marty Stu. A Mary Sue character is usually an undesirable character.

Why is Mary Sue bad?

Mary Sues have become a catch-all insult for poorly written characters. People will often accuse a character of being a Mary Sue, especially when they don’t like the book or movie, instead of examining what is actually wrong with the writing.

Is Bella Swan a Mary Sue?

Bella Swan from Twilight is often hailed as the archetype of all Mary Sues. She is described to look much like the author, Stephanie Meyer. Her only significant flaws are being clumsy (which everyone finds cute) and brooding (which draws her significant love interests in more).

How do you fix a Mary Sue character?

How to fix your Mary Sue or Gary Stu

  1. Take yourself out of the story.
  2. Brainstorm character flaws.
  3. Every decision should come with a consequence.
  4. Show your villain some love.
  5. Focus on plot over character.
  6. Study Character Creation.
  7. Resources:

Is Hermione a Mary Sue?

In the films, however, Hermione basically has no flaws: She’s a Mary Sue. Mary Sue is a word used to describe a perfect character in a work of fiction. Steve basically just removed all of Hermione’s flaws and made her a perfect character, completely ruining her character arc.

Is Aloy a Mary Sue?

But at the heart of it all was Aloy. Upon first glance Horizon’s heroine may appear as a Mary Sue (a frankly sexist term used to describe, almost exclusively, female characters who are deemed absurdly competent or perfect). Aloy is strong, but her greatest power lies in her compassion.

Is Drizzt a Mary Sue?

Objects in mirror may be closer to Mary Sues than they appear. Drizzt do’Urden is a character from the Forgotten Realms universe within the game canons of Dungeons & Dragons, written by R. A. Drizzt is a rather spectacular example of a Canon Sue, or rather, Stu.

Is your OC a Mary/Gary Sue?

A Mary Sue or Gary Stu is a character that is all to perfect and beautiful and kind and loving. A Mary Sue is the girl version, and a Gary Stu is the boy version. Basically you don’t want your OC to be one of these.

Is your OC character a Mary Sue?

The Mary Sue. A Mary-Sue (f) or a Gary Stu (m), is a ‘perfect’ character. In OC’s it usually involves unrelated plots, God-like strength and appearance, OOC (out of character) acting of Canons and plotline crashes with the original Naruto series.

What is the Mary Sue test?

Interactive Mary Sue Test. Mary Sues are characters that are overpowered and too perfect. This test will help you diagnose and fix the problem. It typically takes around ten minutes.

What is the definition of Mary Sue?

Mary Sue is most frequently used as a noun (a Mary Sue) or modifier (a Mary Sue story), although it may also sometimes appear as a verb, to Mary-Sue, meaning “to insert oneself into a fictional story/character.”.