
What kind of snakes are in Southern Arizona?

What kind of snakes are in Southern Arizona?

Snakes found in the Tucson area

  • Western Diamondback Rattlesnake. The most common rattlesnake species in the area.
  • Mojave Rattlesnake. Common in flat desert and grasslands surrounding Tucson, the Mojave Rattlesnake can be brown or green.
  • Blacktailed Rattlesnake.

What kind of snakes does Arizona have?


  • Arizona Milk Snake.
  • Arizona mountain kingsnake.
  • Arizona Patch-nosed Snake.
  • Blackneck Garter Snake.
  • Blind snake.
  • Checkered Garter Snake.
  • Coachwhip snake (Red Racer)
  • Common Kingsnake.

Are there snakes in Saguaro National Park?

Saguaro National Park is home to some of America’s most charismatic reptiles, including Gila monsters, desert tortoises, Western coral snakes, and six species of rattlesnakes.

What months are snakes most active in Arizona?

“Snakes don’t have a calendar,” Russ Johnson said. “Once it gets warm out, they are coming out.” Rattlesnakes in Arizona are most active from March through October and typically can be seen during the day.

Do snakes get into houses in Arizona?

Fortunately, rattlesnakes are easy to keep out of the house. They come in the same way we do – right through the front door. Most of the time, a rattlesnake inside a house, and in fact a good portion of the other types of snakes as well, come in through a door left open. Who leaves the door open in Arizona?

What is the longest snake in Arizona?

A large, heavy-bodied snake, the gophersnake is the longest snake in the west, with some individuals reaching over 9 feet in length.

Are snakes a problem in Arizona?

Arizona has 13 species of rattlesnakes While many snakes pose no threat to people, there are rattlesnakes and other venomous species in the state. As the weather heats up and dries out, snakes may come closer to homes in search of food and water.

Is it legal to shoot rattlesnakes in Arizona?

Unfortunately, it is legal in Arizona to kill a rattlesnake with a valid hunting license.

Is it common to see a snake in Arizona?

Unfortunately, snakes are a fact of life in Arizona. To put things in perspective, I don’t like snakes, I don’t want to encounter a snake, and Arizona is still hands down, one of my absolute favorite places to call home. I would take nearly 300 days of sunshine a year, and a chance of seeing a snake, every time.

What do you do if you encounter a rattlesnake?

Stay calm • Call Dispatch via radio or 911 • Wash the bite area gently with soap and water if available • Remove watches, rings, etc., which may constrict swelling • Immobilize the affected area • Keep the bite below the heart if possible • Transport safely to the nearest medical facility immediately.

What time of day are snakes most active in Arizona?

Reptiles in Arizona are most active in the warmer months of April through October. During the hottest months, they will be most active at night. They may be encountered during the day in spring and fall or during a warm day in winter.

What kind of snake is white in Arizona?

Glossy snake (Arizona elegans) Snakes with white in their coloration: White-banded snakes: Sonoran/Arizona coral snake (Micruroides euryxanthus) Arizona black rattlesnake (Crotalus cerberus) Common Kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula) Arizona ridge-nosed rattlesnake (Crotalus willardi willardi) California kingsnake (Lampropeltis californiae)

What is the name of the rattlesnake in Arizona?

The Arizona State Reptile is the Arizona ridge-nosed rattlesnake (Crotalus willardi willardi).

When do the snakes come out in Arizona?

In cooler climates, snakes come out in the spring, stay out during the summer, and head back to their hiding places during fall before the lowest temperatures hit. But in Arizona, snakes don’t follow that same pattern.

Are there any water snakes in the Arizona desert?

Still, people often mistake other snakes, like the Great Basin gopher snake, for a bullsnake. Being primarily a desert habitat, there are not many water snakes found in Arizona. Blackneck garter snake is a species that prefers to live near some water source.