
What kind of icons are used in Bootstrap?

What kind of icons are used in Bootstrap?

Bootstrap Icons For the first time ever, Bootstrap has its own icon library, custom designed and built for our components and documentation. Bootstrap Icons are designed to work with Bootstrapcomponents, from form controls to navigation. Bootstrap Icons are SVGs, so they scale quickly and easily and can be styled with CSS.

How to create custom social buttons in Bootstrap?

Use inline CSS to add brand colors. Combining our icons and custom colors you can create social buttons. Combining our icons and custom colors you can create social buttons. See all available icons in our icons search (check “brands” to filter brand icons).

Where do I put Facebook icons in Bootstrap?

See all available icons in our icons search (check “brands” to filter brand icons). In the example below, we place a Facebook icon inside the button and set a background-color to #3B5998 (facebook brand color).

Is there a SVG icon library for Bootstrap?

For the first time ever, Bootstrap has its own icon library, custom designed and built for our components and documentation. Bootstrap Icons are designed to work with Bootstrapcomponents, from form controls to navigation. Bootstrap Icons are SVGs, so they scale quickly and easily and can be styled with CSS.

How do you move an icon in Bootstrap?

For shift-v, positive values will move the icon upwards, while negative values will move the icon downwards. For shift-h, positive values will move the icon to the right, while negative values will move it left. Both props accept values that are in units of 1/16em (relative to the icon’s current font size ).

How do you scale an icon in Bootstrap?

Scale the icon by any positive factor via the scale prop. Note this changes the icon’s visual size but not its physical font size. To illustrate this we have added a background color to the icons. If you need to have the background and/or border scale with the icon, use the font-scale prop instead.