What is the traffic light strategy?
What is the traffic light strategy?
Traffic Lighting is a means of self-evaluation that displays how well a student has understood a topic or activity based on the colors of a traffic light.
What are differentiation techniques?
Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. Whether teachers differentiate content, process, products, or the learning environment, the use of ongoing assessment and flexible grouping makes this a successful approach to instruction.
What are the three principles of differentiation?
The Center for Applied Linguistics has drawn upon this research to organize differentiation for second language students along three principles: Increase comprehensibility • Increase opportunity for interaction • Increase critical thinking and study skills.
How is the traffic light used in formative assessment?
Traffic Light. Description: The Traffic Light is a type of formative assessment that can be used to. check to see if students feel they can apply (actually “do”) a concept/idea.The teacher presents a question and the students respond by placing either a red, yellow, or green sticky dot in the appropriate light on the Traffic Light.
What do you put on a traffic light?
check to see if students feel they can apply (actually “do”) a concept/idea.The teacher presents a question and the students respond by placing either a red, yellow, or green sticky dot in the appropriate light on the Traffic Light.
How are traffic lights used in the classroom?
The teacher can immediately see the results and adjusts his/her teaching during the rest of the class period or the following day based on the results provided. 1. Post a large Traffic Light in the classroom. 2. Provide red, yellow, and green sticky dots to students. 3. Pose a question to students.
What makes a differentiation strategy a successful strategy?
A successful differentiation strategy emphasizes uniqueness in ways that are valued by buyers. If buyers are willing to pay for these unique features and the firm’s costs are under control, then the price premium will lead to higher profitability. The key success factor in differentiation is sound understanding of the buyer needs.