What is the total population of the US in 2020?
What is the total population of the US in 2020?
The 2020 Census shows that the resident population of the United States, including the 50 states and the District of Columbia, was 331,449,281 as of April 1, 2020, an increase of 7.4% since the 2010 Census.
What is the total population in 2020?
World Population (2020 and historical)
Year (July 1) | Population | Fertility Rate |
2020 | 7,794,798,739 | 2.47 |
2016 | 7,464,022,049 | 2.51 |
2015 | 7,379,797,139 | 2.52 |
2010 | 6,956,823,603 | 2.58 |
What is the population count of China?
Total population of China from 1980 to 2020 with forecasts until 2026 (in millions)
Characteristic | Population in millions |
2019 | 1,400.05 |
2018 | 1,395.38 |
2017 | 1,390.08 |
2016 | 1,382.71 |
What is the current US population 2021?
The Census Bureau says the population of the United States is 331,449,281. April 26, 2021, at 3:28 p.m. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Census Bureau says the population of the United States is 331,449,281. The 7.4% increase over the last decade is the second slowest ever.
What US state has the smallest population?
Not only is Wyoming known as the state with the smallest population but it’s also home to the smallest town in America. Welcome to Buford , Wyoming, population of 1.
What is the highest populated state in the US?
The 50 US states have a combined population of 323.1 million people. California is America’s most populated state, with a population of about 39.2 million, while Texas ranks second with 27.5 million. Wyoming remains the least populated, with a population of about 574,000, and Vermont ranks second with 624,000 people.
What are the 5 smallest states by population?
A census performs a systematic calculation of the number of residents within a specific geographical area. As of 2010, the five smallest states by population are Wyoming, Vermont, North Dakota, Alaska and South Dakota.
What state is the most populated?
These Are The 10 Most Populous States In America For 2021 California. Source: Wikipedia User | CC BY-SA 3.0 California It’s a no-brainer that California is one of the most populous states in the U.S. Texas. Source: Wikipedia User | CC BY 3.0 Like California, Texas is a monstrously large state. Florida. New York. Pennsylvania. Illinois. Ohio. Georgia. North Carolina. Michigan.