What is the population of Chandigarh in 2021?
What is the population of Chandigarh in 2021?
Chandigarh’s 2021 population is now estimated at 1,169,244.
What is the population of Chandigarh in words?
Chandigarh | |
Area rank | (IN: 35th) |
Elevation | 321 m (1,053 ft) |
Population (2011) | |
• Union territory | 1,055,450 |
What is the area and population of Chandigarh?
The world’s population is around 7,800,000,000 and Earth’s total area (including land and water) is 510,000,000 km2 (197,000,000 sq. mi.). Therefore, from this very crude type of calculation, the worldwide human population density is approximately 7,500,000,000 ÷ 510,000,000 = 14.7 per km2 (38 per sq. mi.).
What is the literacy rate of Chandigarh?
In Chandigarh UT, there are 809,653 literates as per Census 2011 resulting in an overall literacy rate of 86.43 percent.
How many Muslims are in Chandigarh?
Chandigarh Religion 2011
Description | Total | Percentage |
Hindu | 782,866 | 80.66 % |
Muslims | 47,115 | 4.85 % |
Christian | 8,233 | 0.85 % |
Sikh | 128,161 | 13.20 % |
What language is spoken in Chandigarh?
Chandigarh (Chandigarh)
Particulars | Description |
Area | 114 sq km |
Population | 10,54,686 * |
Capital | Chandigarh |
Principal Languages | Hindi, Punjabi, English |
What is the official language of Chandigarh?
Which state is least populated in India?
But in terms of population, the density in Delhi is comparatively higher than most of the states of India. The union territory of Lakshadweep has the lowest population in India, followed by Ladakh.
How did China and India get so populated?
After the initial spread of humanity from Africa, China and India proved to be two of the most hospitable places for hunting, gathering, agriculture and survival, mainly due to climatic conditions and available crop selection.
How many Muslims are there in Chandigarh?
Chandigarh Religion 2011
Description | Total | Percentage |
Muslims | 47,115 | 4.85 % |
Christian | 8,233 | 0.85 % |
Sikh | 128,161 | 13.20 % |
Buddhist | 1,082 | 0.11 % |
What was the population of Chandigarh in 2011?
As per provisional reports of Census India, population of Chandigarh in 2011 is 961,587; of which male and female are 525,629 and 435,958 respectively. Although Chandigarh city has population of 961,587; its urban / metropolitan population is 1,026,459 of which 563,513 are males and 462,946 are females.
What is the Sex Ratio in Chandigarh district?
In rural areas of Chandigarh, male population was 17,150 while female population was 11,841. The average sex ratio in urban regions of Chandigarh was 822 females per 1000 males. Also the Child (0-6 age) sex ration of urban areas in Chandigarh was 880 girls per 1000 boys.
What is the literacy rate of Chandigarh district?
The child population comprises 13.31 % of total rural population of Chandigarh district. Literacy rate in rural areas of Chandigarh district is 80.75 % as per census data 2011. Gender wise, male and female literacy stood at 85.77 and 73.17 percent respectively.
Which is the majority religion in Chandigarh?
Population by Religion in Chandigarh. People following various religions and traditions live together in dream city of Chandigarh. People from Sikh (Punjabi) community forms a majority of Population in Chandigarh. English, Hindi and Punjabi are widely spoken languages in the city.