
What is the point of cameo?

What is the point of cameo?

Cameo is an online service that lets people hire celebrities to create personalized videos. Thousands of actors, artists, and influencers have set their own rates for a Cameo video appearance.

What does cameo mean?

English Language Learners Definition of cameo : a small role in a movie, play, etc., that is performed by a well-known actor. : a piece of jewelry that has a carved design shown against a background of a different color.

What is a cameo example?

A necklace you wear that has a white face carved in profile set on a blue background is an example of a cameo. When Brad Pitt or some other famous movie star appears for just two or three minutes in the middle of a movie, this is an example of a cameo.

What is a cameo usually made into?

A cameo is a material that is carved with a raised relief that often depicts a profile of a face or a mythical scene. Cameos are commonly made out of shell, coral, stone, lava, or glass . These carvings are set in either gold or silver.

What is the origin of cameo?

Cameo as a girls’ name is pronounced KAM-ee-0. It is of Italian and Middle French origin, and the meaning of Cameo is “skin”. From Italian “cammeo” (probably of Oriental origin) which refers to a gem portrait carved in relief.

How are cameo’s made?

Cameos are created using an ancient method of carving a three-dimensional relief from a multi-colored conch shell or piece of banded agate (a semi-precious stone). Typically, the darker color will be in the background while the image in relief (usually a portrait or a scene) will be a lighter color.

What is the Cameo app?

CAMEO Software. CAMEO fm is a database application where you can keep track of information (such as chemical inventories and contact information for facilities) to assist in emergency response and planning in your local community. It is especially useful for managing data required under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act…