What is the meaning of the word concoctions?
What is the meaning of the word concoctions?
1 : something (such as a food or drink) that is concocted from various elements : something prepared or devised by combining different ingredients an elaborate concoction This concoction is a cross between hot chocolate and a grasshopper, a mixed drink that gets its minty kick from crème de menthe.—
What is concoction used for?
a food mixture used to fill pastry or sandwiches etc.
What is the meaning combustion?
Combustion, a chemical reaction between substances, usually including oxygen and usually accompanied by the generation of heat and light in the form of flame.
What are the example of concoction?
A concoction is something that has been made out of several things mixed together. a concoction of honey, yogurt, oats, and apples.
What does mustered mean in English?
1a : to cause to gather : convene. b : to enroll formally —usually used with in or into was mustered into the army. c : to call the roll of. 2a : to bring together : collect. b : to call forth : rouse.
How do you use concoctions?
Concoction in a Sentence ?
- I could not wait for the bartender to finish my delicious concoction.
- In her cave, the ugly witch is combining all kinds of weird ingredients to create a concoction to restore her former beauty.
What is difference between concoction and decoction?
As nouns the difference between concoction and decoction is that concoction is (obsolete) digestion (of food etc) while decoctionis an extraction or essence of something, obtained by boiling it down.
What are the two types of combustion?
2 Types of Fire. Combustion is applicable to two types of fire: Flaming combustion and smoldering combustion [13].
What is combustion simple words?
Combustion is another word for burning. In a combustion reaction, a fuel is heated and it reacts with oxygen. When fuels burn in combustion reactions, they release useful thermal energy (heat).
What does irretrievable mean?
: not retrievable : impossible to regain or recover.
What is the most appropriate synonym for the word mustered?
synonyms for mustard
- dressing.
- gravy.
- relish.
- salt.
- sauce.
- seasoning.
- spice.
- zest.
What is a sentence for concoctions?
Concoctions sentence example These herbs are the main ingredients in popular products, teas and concoctions . Even before the end of Prohibition, revelers were coming up with new concoctions that combined alcohol with other flavorings to appeal to a wide range of tastes.
What is the meaning of the Rainbow?
Definition of rainbow. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : an arc or circle that exhibits in concentric bands the colors of the spectrum and that is formed opposite the sun by the refraction and reflection of the sun’s rays in raindrops, spray, or mist.
What does it mean to go to a Rainbow Party?
Get a rainbow party mug for your daughter Rihanna. Parties where several girls wear a different color of lipstick then each proceeds to give one or more guys a blow job. The multiple of colors left on each guy’s penis resembles a rainbow. I’ve been to two rainbow parties now.
What is the meaning of the Rainbow after a storm?
There is something awe-inspiring in the appearance of a rainbow after a storm. It is good and right that we rejoice in the rainbow as a God-ordained symbol of God’s faithfulness and mercy. The attempt of some to coopt the colors for their own purposes does not diminish the beauty and wonder of what God has made.
What is the dictionary definition of Rainbow Coalition?
rainbow coalition. noun. : a group (such as a political coalition) whose members are of different races or of different ethnic, political, or religious backgrounds. You must — there are over 200,000 words in our free online dictionary, but you are looking for one that’s only in the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary.