
What is the difference between infection and infectious disease?

What is the difference between infection and infectious disease?

Understanding infection vs. Infection, often the first step, occurs when bacteria, viruses or other microbes that cause disease enter your body and begin to multiply. Disease occurs when the cells in your body are damaged — as a result of the infection — and signs and symptoms of an illness appear.

What is the difference between MRSA colonization and infection?

MRSA can live on the body but not make a person sick. This is called colonization. People who are colonized with MRSA will have no signs or symptoms of an infection. An MRSA infection means that the bacteria are in or on the body and are making the person sick.

What is Colonisation in infection control?

Colonisation is when microorganisms, including those that are pathogenic, are present at a body site (E.g. on the skin, mouth, intestines or airway) but are doing no harm and are not causing symptoms of infection. The person colonised is also called ‘a carrier’.

What is the infection?

The invasion and growth of germs in the body. The germs may be bacteria, viruses, yeast, fungi, or other microorganisms. Infections can begin anywhere in the body and may spread all through it. An infection can cause fever and other health problems, depending on where it occurs in the body.

What’s the difference between an infection and a colonization?

Another difference between colonization and infection is their toxin production. Colonization does not produce toxins whereas infection does. Furthermore, the former does not cause a disease or symptoms whereas the latter does. Another difference between colonization and infection is acute inflammation.

Who was involved in the colonisation of Zimbabwe?

The colonisation of Zimbabwe was part of the was part of imperialist activities in the late 19th century. Four European countries were interested in Zimbabwe. These were the British, Germans, Portuguese and Boers.

When did Zimbabwe become part of South Africa?

Zimbabwe: Colonization. The British South Africa Company was chartered in 1889, and the settlement of Salisbury (now Harare, the capital) was established in 1890. In 1895, the territory was formally named Rhodesia after Cecil Rhodes under the British South Africa Company’s administration.

Why was Zimbabwe taken over by the British?

Zimbabwe was occupied as a strategy by Britain to force Boers to embrace the British scheme of South African Confederation under the British law.