What is the closest antonym for the word detrimental?
What is the closest antonym for the word detrimental?
antonyms for detrimental
- positive.
- advantageous.
- beneficial.
- profitable.
- assisting.
- helpful.
- kind.
- friendly.
What is another term for detrimental?
Frequently Asked Questions About detrimental Some common synonyms of detrimental are baneful, deleterious, noxious, and pernicious. While all these words mean “exceedingly harmful,” detrimental implies obvious harmfulness to something specified.
What is the opposite of causing?
Opposite of inducing someone to do something. deterring. discouraging. dissuading.
What is a synonym and antonym for detriment?
detriment. Synonyms: loss, harm, hurt, injury, deterioration, impairment, disadvantage, prejudice, damage, inconvenience. Antonyms: enhancement, improvement, remedy, reinstatement, repair, augmentation.
What is the best definition for detrimental?
(Entry 1 of 2) : obviously harmful : damaging the detrimental effects of pollution. detrimental. noun.
Can a person be detrimental?
causing detriment, as loss or injury; damaging; harmful. noun. a detrimental person or thing.
When someone is the cause of something?
causation Add to list Share. Use the noun causation to talk about the process of causing something to happen. So causation is the action of causing something.
What’s the antonym for cause?
The direct antonym of cause is effect, while that of antecedent is consequent.
What is the definition of detrimental effect?
: obviously harmful : damaging the detrimental effects of pollution. detrimental. noun.
What is detrimental influence?
Something that is detrimentalto something else has a harmful or damaging effect on it.
What is another term for cause and effect?
synonyms for cause and effect Compare Synonyms. chemical reaction. vicious circle. causal nexus. chain of circumstances.
What is it called when something is caused by something?
Use the noun causation to talk about the process of causing something to happen. So causation is the action of causing something.