
What is the best product to etch concrete?

What is the best product to etch concrete?

Muriatic acid, also known as hydrochloric acid, is the typical acid of choice when etching concrete. It is inexpensive and a dangerous chemical that can damage almost anything it comes in contact with.

Does acid washing a pool work?

Whether your pool is full of green algae, or you just want a clean, fresh-looking pool, acid washing your swimming pool can certainly help. The acid washing process basically strips the uppermost layer of plaster to reveal the fresh plaster underneath, so it’s not suggested to do it too often.

How much does it cost to acid wash a swimming pool?

Draining the pool, re-balancing it, and you’ll need to get a professional to do it. This will cost quite a bit, about $400-$500 for the acid wash for a standard sized pool plus whatever it will cost to refill the pool water and the chemicals needed to rebalance the pool.

Can I add acid directly to the pool?

Adding muriatic acid directly to your pool can create a hot spot of acid that can potentially burn or irritate the skin if you swim too early. Even diluted muriatic acid can potentially cause harm. Muriatic acid contains hydrochloric acid concentration levels between 28 to 35 percent.

What causes etching on concrete in a pool?

Low pH can also cause etching both on concrete and stone, but also metal surfaces. Pool equipment, railings, ladders, pipes, and fittings are all at risk of corrosion with acidic pool water caused by low pH. Metals can dissolve into the water, turning the water cloudy and increasing the risk of pool staining.

What kind of acid do you use to etch concrete?

Acid etching is the process of neutralizing a concrete surface through the use of muriatic or phosphoric acid. The acid is applied on the concrete and then rinsed off with water. This has been the standard method for preparing the concrete slab for a coating or overlay.

How long does it take to etch a pool surface?

About 5 minutes is the average time for the acid to perform the etching function. Do not permit the acid to dry on the surface, as it will be difficult to remove. Figure one gallon (3.79 liters) of etching solution to each 100 sq. ft. (9.39 sq. meters) of surface.

What kind of profile does acid etching create?

Acid Etching Concrete Creates Only a Minimal Profile. Concrete Surface Profile, or CSP, as defined by the International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI), is a standardized measure for the ‘roughness’ of a given concrete surface. This can range from CSP-1 (smoothest) to CSP-9 (roughest).