
What is the best brand of epoxy grout?

What is the best brand of epoxy grout?

The best epoxy cement grout is Spectralock Pro Grout proudly made in the United States by Laticrete. Spectralock Pro is a fully waterproof and stain resistant product that’s easier to apply over other products and suitable for use in wet areas.

Is epoxy grout any good?

Epoxy grout won’t crack, shrink, or discolour, making it ideal for applying in wet areas, such as showers. It’s also highly resistant to the harsh chemicals found in cleaning products. As an added bonus, unlike traditional cement grout, epoxy grout does not need to be sealed, due to its non-porous nature.

When should you not use epoxy grout?

Because epoxy can discolor porous surfaces, such as unglazed quarry tiles or limestone, these should be sealed before grouting. But its stain resistance, hardness, and durability make epoxy grout the best choice for showers, kitchen counters, backsplashes, floors, and other heavy-traffic areas.

How much more expensive is epoxy grout?

Price Considerations Epoxy grout is priced higher than traditional grout options, often coming in at around three to five times more expensive per unit when compared to cement based solutions.

Can you use CEG-IG commercial epoxy Grout?

CUSTOM recommends the use of CEG-IG™ Commercial Epoxy Grout for these installations. The use of non-rinse, enzyme-based cleaners is not recommended because they will break down the organic materials in epoxy grout, causing permanent damage.

Which is the best 100% solids epoxy Grout?

CEG-Lite™ 100% Solids Commercial Epoxy Grout provides chemical and stain resistance with a fast cure time for a quick return to service. Its lightweight formula makes it easier to spread than typical epoxy grouts and is water-cleanable.

What makes epoxy Grout impermeable to water?

After speaking with LJ, the technical service rep for CEG Lite, I learned that epoxy grout is pretty much impermeable to water. This means that it makes your shower floor virtually waterproof and also eliminates the possibility of mold growing in the grout joints. Mold and mildew will grow on the surface of anything, even epoxy shower grout.

Which is the best Grout family to use?

Epoxy Grout. The Commercial Epoxy Grout (CEG) family is ideal for use where the best chemical resistance, stain resistance, and color uniformity are desired. Lightweight grout and industrial grade grout options available.