
What is smart card operating system?

What is smart card operating system?

Smart card operating system is the principle component in the security chain; it protects the personal identity and provides the required security services to the citizens. It also allows third-party vendors to build embedded applications without affecting the security.

What are all the software components used in smart card?

Elements of Smart Card Architecture

  • Central Processing Unit. Traditionally this is an 8-bit microcontroller but increasingly more powerful 16 and 32-bit chips are being used.
  • Memory System.
  • Input/Output.
  • Interface Devices (IFDs)
  • Operating Systems.
  • File Systems.
  • Software.
  • Programming Languages.

What is embedded and smart card operating system?

COS (Card Operating System) is a sequence of instructions permanently embedded in the ROM of the smart card. COS manages the internal file system, I/O and the interactions between these components and various applications.

What are the features of smart card?

Smart-Card Features that Protect Privacy

  • Authentication. Smart cards provide ways to authenticate others who want to gain access to the card.
  • Secure data storage. Smart cards provide a way to securely store data on the card.
  • Encryption.
  • Strong device security.
  • Secure communications.
  • Biometrics.
  • Personal device.

Do smart cards have operating system?

Every smart card has an operating system (OS). The OS is the hardware-specific firmware that provides basic functionality as secure access to on-card storage, authentication and encryption. Only a few cards allow writing programs that are loaded onto the smart card – just like programs on a computer.

What is smart card advantages and disadvantages?

Advantages of smart cards are that they provide enhanced security for private data, can hold different types of data and keep valuable data safe from deletion or theft. Disadvantages are that they are more expensive due to their complexity and are only compatible with certain smart card readers.

What is the purpose of a smart card?

Smart cards provide ways to securely identify and authenticate the holder and third parties who want to gain access to the card. For example, a PIN code or biometric data can be used for authentication. They also provide a way to securely store data on the card and protect communications with encryption.

What is handheld operating system?

Handheld systems include Personal Digital Assistants(PDAs), such as Palm-Pilots or Cellular Telephones with connectivity to a network such as the Internet. They are usually of limited size due to which most handheld devices have a small amount of memory, include slow processors, and feature small display screens.

What is a disadvantage of a smart card?

Disadvantages Of Smart Cards Smart cards are small and light-weighted. They are maybe lost or forgotten in case of any use. Because of their multiple uses, their loss can cause serious damage and inconvenience to the owner or loss of important information stored on it without taking backup in advance.

What do you need to know about smart card architecture?

Smart Card Architecture. This topic for the IT professional describes the system architecture that supports smart cards in the Windows operating system, including credential provider architecture and the smart card subsystem architecture. Authentication is a process for verifying the identity of an object or person.

What kind of operating system does a smart card have?

The operating system found on the majority of Smart Cards implements a standard set of commands (usually 20 – 30) to which the Smart Card responds. Smart Card standards such as ISO 7816 and CEN 726 describe a range of commands that Smart Cards can implement.

Which is an application for a smart card?

The field areas for applications of Smart Cards include: 1 Banking 2 Medical Health cards 3 Satellite TV 4 Access control systems 5 Electronic cash 6 Wireless (mobile) communications 7 Government identification 8 Telecommunications 9 Ticketless travel systems

What are the standards for a smart card?

Smart Card standards such as ISO 7816 and CEN 726 describe a range of commands that Smart Cards can implement. Most Smart Card manufacturers offer cards with operating systems that implement some or all of these standard commands (and possibly extensions and additions).