
What is select query in MySQL?

What is select query in MySQL?

SELECT QUERY is used to fetch the data from the MySQL database. The purpose of MySQL Select is to return from the database tables, one or more rows that match a given criteria. Select query can be used in scripting language like PHP, Ruby, or you can execute it via the command prompt.

How do I select in MySQL?

MySQL SELECT Statement Syntax

  1. SELECT is the keyword that starts the query and instructs MySQL on what task it must perform.
  2. FROM is a mandatory clause that specifies the table or tables to select the data from (if you apply to multiple tables, you must separate their names by commas or use the JOIN method).

How do I select a specific column in SQL?

To select more than one column, add a comma to the name of the previous column, and then add the column name….Syntax.

Number of Columns SQL Syntax
1 SELECT “column_name” FROM “table_name”;
More Than 1 SELECT “column_name1″[, “column_name2”] FROM “table_name”;
All SELECT * FROM “table_name”;

How do I select a database in MySQL?

Follow These Steps to Select a Database in MySQL Workbench . Open MySQL Workbench and connect to the instance. Then at the left navigation panel, select the Schemas tab. The database schemas will display in the Schemas tab, from which you can select a database in MySQL Workbench. Do the right click on any of the database schema displayed…

How do select specific rows in MySQL?

How select specific rows in MySQL? To select specific rows, use FIND_IN_SET () function in MySQL. Let us first create a table − Insert some records in the table using insert command − Display all records from the table using select statement −

Which is better MySQL or SQL?

MS SQL is more mature, well performance and has better support than MySQL. MySQL is free, simple to use, secured, scalable and extremely powerful. It is the ideal solution for websites in terms of database, as it has good speed and small in size.


The MySQL Select Distinct behaviour is inherits from the Group By. If you use the Group By Clause without any Aggregate Function then it will act as the Distinct keyword. And the Only difference between them is: Group By will sort the Data first, and then perform grouping. Distinct keyword does not perform any sorting.