
What is robot short for?

What is robot short for?

ROBOT. Random Optical Binary Osscillating Technology.

Where is Karel Capek from?

Malé Svatoňovice, Czechia
Karel Čapek/Place of birth

What is an RUR?

Science fiction. R.U.R. is a 1920 science-fiction play by the Czech writer Karel Čapek. “R.U.R.” stands for Rossumovi Univerzální Roboti (Rossum’s Universal Robots, a phrase that has been used as a subtitle in English).

Where does the word robot come from in Czech?

He is not concerned to prove, but to manufacture. Thus, “R.U.R.,” which gave birth to the robot, was a critique of mechanization and the ways it can dehumanize people. The word itself derives from the Czech word “robota,” or forced labor, as done by serfs. Its Slavic linguistic root, “rab,” means “slave.”

Which is the next generation of Czech robots?

Czech Toto je další generace robota, DARwIn IV, je chytřejší, rychlejší, silnější. This is the next generation robot, DARwIn IV, but smarter, faster, stronger. Czech A tak jsem v tom roce začala stavět robota, Kismeta, prvního sociálního robota na světě. And so that year, I started to build this robot, Kismet, the world’s first social robot.

How to translate Robota to English in Esperanto?

Czech Tedy dodáváte mu materiál — v tomto případě kostky — a energii, a on může vyrobit dalšího robota. So you’re feeding it with more material — cubes in this case — and more energy, and it can make another robot. More translations in the English- Esperanto dictionary.

What is the meaning of the word robot?

More recently, robots and the derived term robotics have come to represent the most modern engineering technologies for a myriad of functions ranging from artificial intelligence experiments and building automobiles to performing delicate surgical procedures. As a word, robot is a relative newcomer to the English language.