What is rendering in Salesforce lightning?
What is rendering in Salesforce lightning?
Each Lightning event triggers one or more actions that can update data. The updated data can fire more events. The rendering service tracks the stack of events that are fired. The framework rerenders all the components that own modified data by calling each component’s rerender() method.
How do I render in Salesforce?
A Visualforce component in a VF page can be displayed or hidden by using a rendered attribute. Rendered is bound to a Boolean variable in the controller which can be switched between true and false making the VF component display or hide depending on a Boolean value. Output: Once you click on Show Bottom Page Block.
What is rendered attribute?
The rendered attribute is a Boolean value, it has true as default value and based on the value it will show or hide a page block or a field on the VF pages.
What is rendered in lightning component?
Renderer service in lightning component bundle modify the DOM elements which is created by framework for a component. We use custom renderer to change or override the default rendering behaviour of the component.
How to use render and rerender in Salesforce Lightning?
Explain Render and Rerender in Salesforce Lightning. How to use render and rerender in lightning component? This to rendered (ie., display) particular filed or section based on boolean value. In the controller you need to have get method to assign the value for this variable.
What does the rendered attribute do in Visualforce?
What is rendered Attribute? It is a Boolean value weather the component is rendered on visualforce page. If it is not specified, default value is always true. What is reRender Attribute? This attribute is useful to render some other visualforce component based Boolean value.
What’s the difference between renderas and rererender in Visualforce?
Praveen Murugesan. 1. Rendered : It use to place condition for a component (Field, outptpanel, section etc), that will show or not on page. 2. ReRender : It is use after a ajax call, Is comonent will again check condition for that component. 3. RederAs : It is use for Visualforce page show as PDF file or other reRender – ID.
What is exactly meaning rendered and rerendered attribute?
could please anyone what is exactly meaning rendered and rerendered attribute , where this attribute useful . When “rendered” is true, the element will be displayed on the screen. When “rendered” is false, the element will not be displayed on the screen or be placed into the output buffer.