
What is protracted active phase?

What is protracted active phase?

Protracted labor is abnormally slow cervical dilation or fetal descent during active labor. Diagnosis is clinical. Treatment is with oxytocin, operative vaginal delivery, or cesarean delivery.

What is protracted second stage of labor?

Protracted Second Stage As long as the fetus continues to descend and/or rotate to a favorable position for spontaneous vaginal delivery and the fetal heart rate pattern is reassuring, any form of operative intervention should be delayed.

What stage of labor is prolonged deceleration phase?

When there is a prolonged deceleration phase, progress in dilation slows after 8 cm and uterine contractions become dysfunctional, even after oxytocin administration. In this situation, the cervix starts to swell and take on fluid. In this situation, a C-section may be needed.

What causes prolonged deceleration phase?

They are caused by decreased blood flow to the placenta and can signify an impending fetal acidemia. Typically, late decelerations are shallow, with slow onset and gradual return to normal baseline. The usual cause of the late deceleration is uteroplacental insufficiency.

Is it normal to have a protracted active phase?

Often, with a protracted active phase, the detection of the causative factor is not possible. Pelvic dimensions are normal, when Mueller is taken, the frontal part is clearly lowered, the position of the fetal head is normal and no influence of any factors that inhibit labor is established.

What is the protracted active phase dilation rate?

“Protracted active-phase” dilation was defined to be 1.2 cm per hour or 1.5 cm per hour where there was more than one fetus to be delivered. According to the paper submitted by attorneys Reiter and Thomas, two vaginal examinations done by the same individuals spaced two hours apart was good enough to make this diagnosis.

What is the protracted active phase of Labor?

Prolonged active phase of labor is characterized by a delayed opening of the cervix. The rate of opening is less than 1.2 cm / h in primiparous and less than 1.5 cm / h in multiparous women. Diagnostics. For the diagnosis of a protracted active phase, the following conditions must be met. The parturient should be in the active phase of childbirth.

What is the definition of active phase arrest?

Active phase arrest traditionally has been defined as the absence of cervical change for 2 hours or more in the presence of adequate uterine contractions and cervical dilation of at least 4 cm. However, more recent data from the Consortium on Safe Labor have been used to revise the definition of contemporary normal labor progress 20.