
What is poisonous to red-eared slider?

What is poisonous to red-eared slider?

Red-Eared Slider Health Like all turtles, there is the danger of salmonella when housing red-eared sliders. Proper hygiene and hand washing should always be practiced.

What kind of turtle is red and yellow?

Red-eared slider × yellow-bellied slider
Family: Emydidae
Subfamily: Deirochelyinae
Genus: Trachemys
Species: T. scripta

What does a unhealthy red-eared slider look like?

Swollen eyes or eyes that are continually held shut are signs of illness in red-eared sliders and other turtles. A pale pink or grey color in the mouth, or the presence of small yellow, white or green patches on the tongue or inside of a turtle’s mouth are signs of illness and/or mouth rot.

What kind of color does a red eared slider turtle have?

Two other color strains (morphs) of the red-eared slider has been developed by the modern breeders: the ‘Pastel’ (lighter in coloration with varying amounts of yellow and red, or caramel pink) and the ‘Albino’ (bright yellow as a juvenile, which fades with the turtle’s age).

How long can a lemon lime slider turtle live?

A typical Lemon Lime Albino Slider is the most common aquatic turtle pet and can live for up to 50 years in captivity. Lemon Lime Albino Slider for sale are very active and love to swim. Lemon Lime Albino Slider turtles for sale are basically Red Earned Sliders without the albino missing pigment gene.

Where are red eared sliders found in the United States?

The red-eared sliders are native to the southerly regions of the USA, in warm climates in the southeastern corner of the United States, and the north of Mexico. Basically they evolved from the area around the river Mississippi and the Gulf of Mexico. They are also found in large numbers in and around river Rio Grande.

What should I Feed my red eared slider turtle?

Lianne is a veterinarian, epidemiologist, and freelance writer who’s written nearly 400 articles for The Spruce Pets. Red-eared sliders need a diet that is a mixture of both animal and plant materials. Young red-eared sliders eat more animal protein, so babies should start with a diet that’s more on the carnivorous side. 1