
What is MPE control?

What is MPE control?

MPE is a new specification based on MIDI, the universal protocol for electronic music. MPE allows digital instruments to behave more like acoustic instruments in terms of spontaneous, polyphonic sound control. So players modulate parameters like timbre, pitch, and amplitude — all at the same time.

What does enable MPE mean?

MIDI Polyphonic Expression
MIDI Polyphonic Expression – or MPE – is a method of using MIDI which enables multidimensional devices like the Seaboard and BLOCKS to control multiple parameters of every note within MPE-compatible software.

What is MPE data?

MPE stands for MIDI Polyphonic Expression, but has also been referred to as Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression. MPE uses MIDI data as its core language, but completely changes its approach to sending that data.

What are MPE presets?

Synth Presets Superpack MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE) digitizes the subtleties of touch. As more and more software and hardware synthesizers adopt this standard, there’s never been a better time to play sounds that react to more than just a tap. MPE lets you experience a deep connection to electronic sound.

What can you do with a MPE controller?

A perfect instrument for jamming or coming up with creative ideas. This beast of a synth has added MPE support, allowing its considerable sonic capabilities to be expressively controlled by any of these MPE instruments. It’s likely MPE support will become more widespread in the industry over the next few years.

What does MPE stand for in electronic music?

MPE is a new specification based on MIDI, the universal protocol for electronic music. MPE allows digital instruments to behave more like acoustic instruments in terms of spontaneous, polyphonic sound control. So players modulate parameters like timbre, pitch, and amplitude — all at the same time. Why MPE?

What are the Roli instruments that use MPE?

ROLI instruments, including the Seaboard RISE, Seaboard GRAND, and BLOCKS, as well as other instruments like the Continuum, Soundplane, and Linnstrument, use MPE to let music­makers control pitch, timbre, and other nuances within each note.

Is the MusicTech MPE controller available for Mac?

Currently only for Mac users, its unique ‘force sensing’ technology sets it at the higher end of the MPE instrument range.