
What is moral obligation example?

What is moral obligation example?

For example, one may have a moral obligation to help a friend, to support a parent in old age, or to minimally respect another’s autonomy as a moral agent. Ceteris paribus, fulfilling a moral obligation is morally right and failing to fulfil one is morally wrong.

Are obligations moral?

An ethical duty or obligation is a moral requirement to follow a certain course of action, that is, to do, or refrain from doing, certain things.

Why is moral obligation important?

This is an illustration of a general principle that there is a moral obligation to obey laws that are unenforced or under enforced, and this is important partly because there are sometimes good reasons not to enforce the law. It might be impossible to enforce a law effectively without an undue intrusion.

What is legal and moral obligation?

According to the traditional picture of the relationship between legal and moral obligation, the grounds of moral obligation consist in facts about the intentional states of agents, while legal obligation is grounded on coercive institutional facts, which are external to the agents’ intentionality.

What is the source of moral obligation?

Moral obligations arise from three sources: laws, promises and principles. 1. Law-Based Moral Obligations. Good citizens have a moral as well as a legal obligation to abide by laws; it is part of the assumed social contract of a civilized society.

What is the definition of moral obligation?

Moral Obligation Law and Legal Definition. Moral obligation is an obligation arising out of considerations of right and wrong. It is an obligation arising from ethical motives, or a mere conscientious duty, unconnected with any legal obligation, perfect or imperfect, or with the receipt of benefit by the promisor of a material or pecuniary nature.

Do we have any moral obligations?

Thus, we have a moral obligation to help reduce poverty and prevent hunger, disease and death simply because we can. The failure of people in rich nations to make significant sacrifices to help the poorest, which usually live in developing countries, is ethically indefensible .

What is our moral obligation to others?

Altruism (or Ethical Altruism ) is an ethical doctrine that holds that individuals have a moral obligation to help, serve or benefit others, if necessary at the sacrifice of self interest. More precisely, an action is morally right if the consequences of that action are more favorable than unfavorable to everyone except the agent.