
What is meant by malleolus?

What is meant by malleolus?

: an expanded projection or process at the distal end of the fibula or tibia at the level of the ankle: a : the expanded lower end of the fibula situated on the lateral side of the leg at the ankle.

What is the malleolus of the foot?

A malleolus is the bony prominence on each side of the human ankle. Each leg is supported by two bones, the tibia on the inner side (medial) of the leg and the fibula on the outer side (lateral) of the leg.

Where is the posterior malleolus?

Posterior malleolus – back part of the tibia. Lateral malleolus – end of the fibula.

What does lateral malleolus mean?

The lateral malleolus is the name given to the bone on the outside of the ankle joint. This bone is part of the fibula, one of two bones of the lower leg; the other leg bone is called the tibia (shin bone).

What does medial malleolus mean?

You probably know the medial malleolus as the bump that protrudes on the inner side of your ankle. It’s actually not a separate bone, but the end of your larger leg bone — the tibia, or shinbone. The medial malleolus is the largest of the three bone segments that form your ankle.

What is the knobbly bit on your ankle called?

The bumps or bony, knobbly bits (or protrusions) seen and felt on the ankle have their own names: The medial malleolus, felt on the inside of your ankle is part of the tibia’s base. The posterior malleolus, felt on the back of your ankle is also part of the tibia’s base.

Can you walk with medial malleolus fracture?

You may walk on the foot as comfort allows although you will find it easier to walk with crutches in the early stages. The swelling is often worse at the end of the day and elevating it will help. The boot you have been given is for your comfort only and is not needed to aid fracture healing.

Is a broken ankle painful?

The most common symptoms of an ankle fracture are pain and swelling, either of which may be present only in the ankle region itself or spread to parts of the foot or up toward the knee. Any pain will usually be more intense if the injured person tries to put weight on the ankle.

Which malleolus is most posterior?

The medial malleolus on the inner side of the ankle at the end of the tibia. The lateral malleolus on the outer side of the ankle at the end of the fibula. The posterior malleolus situated on the lower back side of the tibia.

Why does my posterior malleolus hurt?

Causes. Posterior tibial tendon injury can result from overuse of the tendon or from a specific incident such as a fall. Sudden injuries usually occur in athletes from a distinct injury, but may occur as an overuse injury in people with poor lower limb alignment.

Can you break your malleolus?

When this part of the bone fractures, or breaks, it’s called a lateral malleolar fracture. This type of fracture can be caused by twisting of the foot and ankle, a trip or fall, or a direct blow to the ankle. Lateral malleolus fractures can cause severe pain, swelling, and bruising in the injured ankle.

Can you still walk with a lateral malleolus fracture?

You may walk on the leg as much as pain allows, and if you have been given a boot you should gradually use it less and less over four to six weeks as the pain settles. Sometimes the pain may persist but if you are walking further each day this is not uncommon. Most injuries heal without any problems.

Which is the best medical definition of Malleolus?

Medical Definition of malleolus. : an expanded projection or process at the distal end of the fibula or tibia at the level of the ankle: a : the expanded lower end of the fibula situated on the lateral side of the leg at the ankle.

Where is the malleolus located on the ankle?

: an expanded projection or process at the distal end of the fibula or tibia at the level of the ankle: a : the expanded lower end of the fibula situated on the lateral side of the leg at the ankle. — called also external malleolus, lateral malleolus.

How is the malleolus related to the tibia?

Related to malleolus: malleoli. [mah-le´o-lus] (L.) 1. a rounded process. 2. either of the two rounded prominences on either side of the ankle joint; the lateral (or fibular, external, or outer) malleolus is at the lower end of the fibula and the medial (or tibial, internal, or inner) malleolus is at the lower end of the tibia. adj. adj malle´olar.

Who is the orthopedic surgeon for the lateral malleolus?

Jonathan Cluett, MD, is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon with subspecialty training in sports medicine and arthroscopic surgery. The lateral malleolus is the name given to the bone on the outside of the ankle joint. This bone is part of the fibula, one of two bones of the leg; the other leg bone is called the tibia (shin bone).