What is meaning Zingara?
What is meaning Zingara?
female Gypsy
Zingara (pronounced [ˈdziŋɡara]; Italian for “female Gypsy”, plural zingare) may refer to: La zingara (1822), an opera semiseria in two acts by Gaetano Donizetti.
Where is Zingara Swimwear from?
Zingara Swimwear General Information Designer and seller of swimwear and other accessories based in Mexico. The company designs and sells monokinis, bikinis and other swimwear for women and kids.
How do you pronounce zingara?
This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity. noun, plural zin·ga·re [tseeng-gah-re].
What is the meaning of the word Zingara?
a person who dances professionally, as on the stage. an example of writing or speech consisting of or containing meaningless words. a petty gangster or ruffian. To deceive the zingari—that was a notable triumph for a zingara! Before he enters the ring they sing a love-duet that displays more depth of feeling than we should expect from a Zingara.
What are the ingredients in a la zingara?
In French cuisine, à la zingara (lit. “gypsy style”), sometimes spelled as à la singara, is a garnish or sauce consisting of chopped ham, tongue, mushrooms and truffles combined with tomato sauce, tarragon and sometimes madeira. Additional ingredients may include white wine, cayenne pepper, lemon juice and orange rind.
What did Zingara mean by throwing off the yoke?
Zingara seized this opportunity to throw off the yoke, which example was followed by Corinthia and the Shemites. Only an extremely reckless man would risk his life and goods on this road through Zingara. Did You Know?
Who was the Gypsy HAG in the ballad abbietta Zingara?
This Ferrando proceeds to do in the ballad, “Abbietta zingara ” (Sat there a gypsy hag). The Picts still held Aquilonia and part of Zingara, and the western coast of the continent. Zingara seized this opportunity to throw off the yoke, which example was followed by Corinthia and the Shemites.