
What is line 19 on a 1040?

What is line 19 on a 1040?

Line 19 is for claiming the child tax credit (CTC) and the credit for any non-child dependents. You will need to complete and attach Form 8862. The CTC is a nonrefundable tax credit, which means you will not get any money back if the amount you owe is less than 0.

What line on 1040 is the child tax credit?

line 19
First, complete the Child Tax Credit and Credit for Other Dependents Worksheet that applies to you. You can find instructions on line 19 of your Form 1040. If you qualify for the Additional Child Tax Credit, you’ll then complete Schedule 8812 and attach it to your Form 1040.

What was the original script for About Schmidt?

Payne’s script to About Schmidt was initially an original screenplay written years before Begley’s novel was published. According to Payne, his script was about “an old guy who retires, and realizes how much he’s wasted his life, and wants somehow to start anew— The Graduate at age sixty-five.”

When did Charles E Schmidt start Tractor Supply?

In 1938, Charles E. Schmidt founded Tractor Supply Co., a leading supplier of quality work clothing and footwear.

What happens to Schmidt after the couple leaves?

After the couple leaves, Schmidt is overcome by loneliness. He stops showering, sleeps in front of the television, and goes shopping with a coat over pajamas to load up on frozen foods. In his wife’s closet he discovers some hidden love letters disclosing her long-ago affair with Ray, a mutual friend.

Who was Randall Hertzel at Schmidt’s funeral?

Jeannie, his only daughter, and her fiancé, Randall Hertzel, arrive from Denver. They console him at the funeral, but Jeannie later berates him for taking his wife for granted, such as by refusing to fully pay for the Winnebago (he wanted the cheaper Minnie Winnie) and burying her in a cheap casket.