
What is happening in Twelfth Night?

What is happening in Twelfth Night?

Twelfth Night is a fast-paced romantic comedy with several interwoven plots of romance, mistaken identities and practical jokes. Separated from her twin brother Sebastian in a shipwreck, Viola disguises herself as a boy, calls herself Cesario, and becomes a servant to the Duke Orsino.

What kind of story is Twelfth Night?

Twelfth Night can be considered a model Shakespearean comedy in that it employs nearly every feature of the genre: a wedding, mistaken identities, misunderstandings, physical comedy, and a happy ending.

What are the main themes of Twelfth Night?

The main themes in Twelfth Night are:

  • love.
  • appearance and reality.
  • ambition.

What is the plot of Twelfth Night?

Plot Analysis. Twelfth Night is a play about desire’s power to override conventions of class, religion, and even gender. Several characters begin the play believing they want one thing, only to have love teach them they actually want something else.

What is the moral of Twelfth Night?

People taking on new identities, and others actually falling for it, can only cause confusion in their lives. So, in this case, Twelfth Night has moral lessons in it; lying and disguising reality is going to cause more harm than good. Twelfth Night offers a lot in literary satisfaction as well as comedic satisfaction.

What is the tragedy in Twelfth Night?

As much as “Twelfth Night” is a series of comedic antics, it is also an exploration of the deep tragedy which its characters suffer from. Olivia is mourning the death of her brother, Viola and Sebastian are both mourning the assumed deaths of each other, Orsino is on a desperate search for love and Malvolio is dealing with his descent into supposed madness.

Which character is the wisest in Twelfth Night?

In spite of being a professional fool, Feste often seems the wisest character in the play. Sir Toby. Olivia’s uncle. Olivia lets Sir Toby Belch live with her, but she does not approve of his rowdy behavior, practical jokes, heavy drinking, late-night carousing, or friends (specifically the idiotic Sir Andrew). Sir Toby also earns the ire of Malvolio.