What is eccentric aortic regurgitation?
What is eccentric aortic regurgitation?
In chronic aortic regurgitation, the regurgitant leak increases gradually so that the end-diastolic left ventricular volume becomes greater. The left ventricle responds with dilatation and hypertrophy (eccentric hypertrophy).
Should I worry about aortic regurgitation?
Aortic regurgitation is a leaky aortic valve. When mild or moderate it is not typically of concern. Severe insufficiency can lead to heart enlargement and symptoms of heart failure so it needs to be watched closely. Severe aortic regurgitation with symptoms typically requires aortic valve replacement.
How long can you live with aortic regurgitation?
In developing countries, it progresses much more rapidly and may lead to symptoms in children less than 5 years of age. Around 80% of patients with mild symptoms live for at least 10 years after diagnosis. In 60% of these patients, the disease may not progress at all.
Does aortic valve regurgitation get worse with age?
Aortic valve regurgitation happens more often with age. It is a fairly common problem that affects both men and women. Aortic valve regurgitation can be acute or chronic.
Why do I have regurgitation of my aortic valve?
Aortic valve regurgitation allows some of the blood that was pumped out of your heart’s main pumping chamber (left ventricle) to leak back into it. The leakage may prevent your heart from efficiently pumping blood to the rest of your body.
What happens when the aortic valve does not work right?
In aortic valve regurgitation, the heart’s aortic valve does not work right. It becomes leaky allowing some blood flow back into the left ventricle instead of forward into the body. You may not have symptoms for many years. Chronic aortic valve regurgitation may get worse. It may require surgery.
Is there any treatment for mild aortic regurgitation?
Mild regurgitation may not require any treatment. Simply monitoring it regularly through your usual checkups may be enough. If you have high blood pressure, you may get medications and make some lifestyle changes to bring it under control. In more serious cases, aortic valve replacement may be the best option.
What causes a nonrheumatic aortic valve insufficiency?
Nonrheumatic aortic (valve) insufficiency. Pathological condition characterized by the backflow of blood from the ascending aorta back into the left ventricle, leading to regurgitation. It is caused by diseases of the aortic valve or its surrounding tissue (aortic root). The backward flow of blood from the aorta into the left ventricle,…