
What is Driver CPC Module 4?

What is Driver CPC Module 4?

The Driver CPC Module 4 is the ‘Demonstration test’ or Practical part of the Driver CPC Initial Qualification. DMP Training are an approved Module 4 testing site so your training and test can all be carried out together. Module 4 focuses on vehicle safety. The test lasts approximately 30 minutes.

What are the CPC modules?

There are four modules in the Driver CPC

  • Theory test: this is the same as the theory test for your LGV licence.
  • Driver CPC case study test.
  • Driving ability test: this is the same as the practical test for your LGV licence.
  • Driver CPC demonstration test.

How long is CPC Module 4?

approximately 30 minutes
The Driver CPC Module 4 is the ‘Demonstration test’ or Practical part of the Driver CPC Initial Qualification. Module 4 focuses on vehicle safety and has been developed with the support and advice of the industry. The itself test lasts approximately 30 minutes.

Will Driver CPC scrapped?

As an essential requirement to drive professionally, the Driver CPC qualification expands the expertise of drivers, as well as ensuring road safety. Since Brexit, many have been asking – will the driver CPC be scrapped? In short – the answer is no. It will be accepted into legislation despite the UK leaving the EU.

Can I do my CPC before I pass my test?

You can book the part 1 theory test of the Driver Certificate of Professional Competence ( CPC ) as soon as you’ve got your provisional licence. It does not matter which one you take first but you need to pass both within 2 years of each other to get your theory test certificate. …

Who is exempt from CPC?

There are exceptions from the Driver CPC qualification for drivers of vehicles: used for non-commercial carriage of passengers or goods, for personal use. undergoing road tests for technical development, repair or maintenance purposes, or of new or rebuilt vehicles which have not yet been put into service.

Is the Driver CPC module 4 a practical test?

THIS IS A TRAINING VIDEO FOR THE INITIAL DRIVER CPC MODULE 4 EXAMINATION. It’s a practical test based on what an HGV driver does whilst not driving. This video covers some of the questions students may get in the examination and how best to answer them.

Is there a periodic Driver CPC training video?

THIS IS NOT A PERIODIC DRIVER CPC TRAINING VIDEO. THIS IS A TRAINING VIDEO FOR THE INITIAL DRIVER CPC MODULE 4 EXAMINATION. It’s a practical test based on what an HGV driver does whilst not driving. This video covers some of the questions students may get in the examination and how best to answer them.

Do you need to pass module 4 to get CPC card?

Sue’s Driving School offer Module 4 training for the LGV (Cat C, C1 and C+E) and PSV (Cat D, D1) to give you your CPC driver card. This a a home test now. The Module 4 test is the final test you need to pass in order to be paid to drive. The test can be booked by contacting Sue’s driving school.

When did HGV driver CPC come into force?

Exactly one year before Driver CPC came into force for the commercial goods (HGV) industry (September 10th 2009). Part of acquiring the PCV Initial Driver CPC qualification means having to pass the module 4 examination. Module 4 is the practical associated knowledge test that is carried out at a DSA approved test centre.