
What is Chom text number?

What is Chom text number?

CHOM 97 7. Text the word “WIN” (+your name) to 11-977 when you hear music from HEART all week on the “Afternoon Rock Ride w/Bilal Butt” and you’ll be entered to win a pair of tickets to see them live in Montreal!

How do you text Chom?

Contact CHOM 97 7

  1. Office Hours. Suspended until further notice Suspended until further notice.
  2. Contests and Requests. 514-790-0977.
  3. SMS Text Line. 11-97-7.
  4. Reception and Information. 514-931-2466.

What is playing on Chom FM?

Recently Played

  • 01:01 am 08-13-2021. Hold SteadyThe Glorious Sons.
  • 12:40 am 08-13-2021. On & OnHalf Moon Run.
  • 12:01 am 08-13-2021. Seventeen Going UnderSam Fender.
  • 11:40 pm 08-12-2021. The WireDirty Honey.
  • 11:00 pm 08-12-2021. OuchThe Tragically Hip.
  • 10:36 pm 08-12-2021. Cheer Up BabyInhaler.
  • 09:59 pm 08-12-2021.
  • 09:38 pm 08-12-2021.

Is Terry DiMonte still on Chom?

Montreal’s radio legend spent his last day on air with a series of surprise guests, including the prime minister. Through tears, CHOM 97.7 host Terry DiMonte signed off for the last time as the popular morning host. After 43 years in the business, CHOM’s Terry DiMonte announced Tuesday he will be retiring.

Where is Chom radio station located in Canada?

CHOM-FM is an English language radio station located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Who is the general manager of CHOM 97.7 FM?

After 30 years in the radio business, Ray Scott, assistant program director and music director at CHOM 97.7 FM, retired. Robert Latreille, the general manager of engineering at Astral and based in Montreal, retired November 11. He had been with the organization for 35 years.

Where did CHOM FM move to in Westmount?

On December 11, the application for the transfer of 1,000 common and 8,930 preferred shares of Maisonneauve Broadcasting Corp. Ltd. from Geoffrey W. Stirling to CHUM Ltd. was denied. On July 26, CHOM-FM was authorized to move its studios and offices from 1310 Greene Avenue to 1355 Greene Avenue in Westmount.

What kind of music does Chom radio play?

was is and will ever be best……. The station has a mainstream rock format since the station started using the brand name CHOM, and is sometimes pronounced /ˈʃoʊm/ shoam as if it were a French word, but other Bell Media Radio personalities have also pronounced it as /ˈtʃɒm/ chom.