
What is another word for said quietly?

What is another word for said quietly?

What is another word for say softly?

whisper murmur
say in hushed tones say in muted tones
speak in muted tones speak sotto voce
talk low say sotto voce
utter under the breath say under one’s breath

What’s another way of saying quiet?

Quiet Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for quiet?

silent still
hushed calm
noiseless soundless
serene tranquil
hushful deathly quiet

How do you describe someone who is quietly speaking?

Hear this out loudPausemutter to talk in a quiet voice that is difficult to hear, especially because you are annoyed, embarrassed, or talking to yourself: He muttered something about an appointment and left. ‘That’s a matter of opinion,’ she muttered under her breath.

What is mean by speak quietly?

Hear this out loudPauseverb. to say something in a very quiet voice.

How do you say someone is quiet?

Ways of telling someone to stop talking or to be quiet -…

  1. be quiet. phrase. used for telling someone to stop talking or to stop making a noise.
  2. keep your voice down. phrase. used for telling someone to be quiet.
  3. shh. interjection.
  4. sh. interjection.
  5. shush. interjection.
  6. zip it. phrase.
  7. keep down. phrasal verb.
  8. ssh. interjection.

What do you call someone who is not good with words?

Hear this out loudPauseUnsociable, Silent, Withdrawn, Standoffish, Reclusive, Uncommunicative, Backward, and Introverted. Also, you might consult a thesaurus and enter some of these and other words, one at a time, until you find a word that suits your preference.

What is a word for hurt feelings?

Hear this out loudPausesynonyms for hurt one’s feelings hurt. traumatize. bother. distress.

How do you describe someone who is quietly?

Hear this out loudPausewhisper to say something very quietly so that other people cannot hear you, or so that only certain people can hear you: ‘When can I see you again? ‘ he whispered. Stop whispering, you two.

What can I say instead of shut up?

Synonyms of ‘shut up’

  • hush.
  • button it (slang)
  • pipe down (slang) Just pipe down and I’ll tell you what I want.
  • put a sock in it (British, slang)
  • keep your trap shut (slang)
  • cut the cackle (informal)
  • button your lip (slang)

Is Shut Up considered rude?

Hear this out loudPauseShut up is a rude way to tell someone to stop talking. It can also be used an as exclamation of amazement or excitement.

How do you say shut up in a fancy way?

Synonyms of ‘shut up’

  1. hush.
  2. button it (slang)
  3. pipe down (slang) Just pipe down and I’ll tell you what I want.
  4. put a sock in it (British, slang)
  5. keep your trap shut (slang)
  6. cut the cackle (informal)
  7. button your lip (slang)

Are there any synonyms for the word quietly?

Synonyms. modestly. humbly. unobtrusively. diffidently. unpretentiously. unassumingly. unostentatiously. Synonyms for quietly.

Which is the best synonym for the word down?

other words for down. MOST RELEVANT. downward. cascading. declining. depressed. descending. downgrade. downhill.

Which is the best synonym for calm down?

But, when the car came thundering down, it was crammed to the step; with a melancholy gesture, the driver declined her signal. HILDA LESSWAYS ARNOLD BENNETT As Spain, however, has fallen from the high place she once held, her colonial system has also gone down. TOBACCO; ITS HISTORY, VARIETIES, CULTURE, MANUFACTURE AND COMMERCE E. R. BILLINGS.

Which is the best synonym for the word sad?

Synonyms for sad. contemptible, despicable, miserable, pathetic, pitiable, pitiful, sorry, wretched.