
What is a synonym for associated with?

What is a synonym for associated with?

What is another word for associated with?

affiliated associated
combined connected
incorporated joined
linked aligned with
allied with amalgamated

What does in association with mean?

: in connection with or together with The book was produced by the publisher in association with the museum that sponsored the exhibit.

What is the synonym of association?


  • affiliation,
  • alliance,
  • collaboration,
  • confederation,
  • connection,
  • cooperation,
  • hookup,
  • liaison,

What is the antonym of association?

association. Antonyms: disunion, disconnection, estrangement, separation, severance, independence, avoidance, disruption, dismemberment, solitude, individuality.

What is it called when you relate to something?

correspond. verb. to be connected or related to something.

What are the three types of association?

The three types of associations include: chance, causal, and non-causal.

What is association and its types?

An association type (also called an association) is the fundamental building block for describing relationships in the Entity Data Model (EDM). In a conceptual model, an association represents a relationship between two entity types (such as Customer and Order ).

What is an example of association?

An association is a “using” relationship between two or more objects in which the objects have their own lifetime and there is no owner. As an example, imagine the relationship between a doctor and a patient. At the same time, one patient can visit multiple doctors for treatment or consultation.

What is the synonym and antonym of association?

associationnoun. Antonyms: disassociation, disconnection. Synonyms: affiliation, connection, intimacy, conjunction, combination, participation, collaboration, collusion, coöperation, coadjuvancy, fraternity, sodality, syndicate, confraternity, league, corporation, guild.

How do I relate with others?

How to Relate to Others in Four Simple Steps

  1. STEP #1: Decide to pay attention to the other person.
  2. STEP #2: Adjust your PACE.
  3. STEP #3: Adjust your PRIORITY.
  4. STEP #4: Help the other person get what he or she wants.
  5. Did you know that these skills are all part of practicing The DISC Model of Human Behavior?

What does it mean to relate with others?

The verb relate means “to make a connection.” If you can relate to someone’s story, something like that has happened to you. Relate also means “to give an account of something verbally,” like relating details of your trip to Sweden.

What are the two types of association?

Association refers to the relationship between multiple objects. It refers to how objects are related to each other and how they are using each other’s functionality. Composition and aggregation are two types of association.

What is another word for associating with?

Synonyms for associating with include accompanying, consorting with, hanging around, hanging out, mingling, mixing, associating, fraternizing, hobnobbing and socializing. Find more similar words at!

What is another word for “associated with”?

1 to come or be together as friends. a socially ambitious couple who joined the country club in order to associate with the right sort of people. Synonyms for associated. chummed, companied, consociated, consorted, fraternized, hobnobbed,

What is a synonym for associated?

consociate, associate(verb) bring or come into association or action. “The churches consociated to fight their dissolution”. Synonyms: link, affiliate, tie in, colligate, relate, connect, consociate, assort, consort, link up.