What is a hose spanner?
What is a hose spanner?
Fire Hose Spanner And Hydrant Wrenches Are Used Plumbing Accessories For Use With Fire Department And Industrial Hose Fittings. Hose wrenches provide solid leverage for tightening and loosening couplings on hose and hydrant accessories. Wrenches are designed for use on pin, rocker, or navy slot lug type fittings.
What is a spanner wrench used for in firefighting?
Simple tasks on the fireground become difficult if fire fighters are unprepared in their skills. The spanner wrench is a simple tool, commonly found on the fireground. It is capable of performing may essential functions such as prying open doors and windows and opening and closing gas meter valves.
What is a fireman’s hose called?
A fire hose (or firehose) is a high-pressure hose that carries water or other fire retardant (such as foam) to a fire to extinguish it. Outdoors, it attaches either to a fire engine, fire hydrant, or a portable fire pump.
What are the types of fire hose?
There are two types of intake hoses: the hard suction hose, and the soft sleeve hose. The hard suction hose works to draft water from below the pump, which prevents collapsing under vacuum conditions.
What is a fire hydrant wrench called?
The super spanner and gas wrench is a durable, light weight wrench used to tighten and loosen larger size fire hose couplers. The wrench can also be used to operate standard 1.5″ and 1.25″ pentagon fire hydrant nuts.
What wrench do you use to disconnect a fire hose?
A hydrant wrench is a tool used to remove fire hydrant caps and open the valve of the hydrant. They are usually adjustable so as to fit different sized hydrant nuts.
Can a pipe wrench open a fire hydrant?
Anyone with a simple pipe wrench can open a hydrant and gain access to the water supply.
Which NFPA covers fire hose?
NFPA 1962: Standard
NFPA 1962: Standard for the Care, Use, Inspection, Service Testing, and Replacement of Fire Hose, Couplings, Nozzles, and Fire Hose Appliances.
Why are fire hoses different colors?
Hydrants painted light blue deliver 1,500 gallons of water or more per minute. Green means 1,000 to 1,499 gallons per minute, orange means 500 to 999 gallons per minute and red means 499 gallons or less per minute.
What is fire hose appliances?
A hose appliance is any piece of hardware used in conjunction with delivering water.
What is fire hose material?
In the past, cotton was the most common natural fiber used in fire hoses, but most modern hoses use a synthetic fiber like polyester or nylon filament. The synthetic fibers provide additional strength and better resistance to abrasion. The fiber yarns may be dyed various colors or may be left natural.
What does a black fire hydrant mean?
OSHA advises using color to distinguish between potable and non-potable water sources—with violet indicating the latter—and also recommends black paint for defunct or temporarily non-working hydrants.
What kind of Spanner do you need for a fire hose?
Lightweight aluminum construction designed for wildland firefighting. The double ended spanner fits 1″, 1.5″ and 2.5″ rocker lug couplings.
What kind of wrench does a fire hose use?
A spanner -style head fits the lugs on fire hose couplings and adapters. Lg. 1 13/16 ” Lg. × 7/16 ” Ht. Slot for Gas Valve Shut-Off
How big of a wrench do I need for a fire hydrant?
Combination Fire Hose Fitting/Hydrant Wrenches Box Wrench Box Wrench Spanner Wrench Spanner Wrench Number of Spanner Heads For Use With External Square Max. Size For Use With For Lug Style 1 Fire Hydrants 1 1/4 ” Fire Hose Fittings Pin, Rocker 2 Fire Hydrants 1 1/2 ” Fire Hose Fittings Pin, Rocker
What kind of wrench do I need for fire coupler?
Spanner wrench is made of tough lightweight cast aluminum. Spanner fits most 1-1/4” through 4” couplings. Features include pin detail, window jimmy, gas cock slot, hammer head and hanger loop. This heavy-duty plastic fire coupler spanner and gas wrench is durable, light weight wrench used to tighten and loosen couplings.