
What is a gaffer and a grip?

What is a gaffer and a grip?

The gaffer is the head electrician in a movie crew; it’s her job to manage the lighting, making sure the levels are appropriate for the desired effect in the scene. A grip is also concerned with lighting, but from the mechanical side.

How much money does a best boy grip make?

According to Forbes Magazine, a best-boy grip can expect to make around $50,00 to $75,000 a year if they’re working regularly. A key grip can expect to make between $60,000 to $100,000 a year if they are regularly working.

Who is the best boy grip according to the module?

What is a “best boy”? To put it simply, a best boy is the right-hand person to the gaffer or key grip. The gaffer is the project’s head electrician and the chief lighting technician. They light everything on the project.

What is a best boy in TV production?

THE BEST BOY is a senior electrician on a film crew, coming second in the hierarchy to the “gaffer”, the chief electrician. The electricians are responsible for the technical side of the lighting and are known as the “sparks” in this country or “juicers” in the US.

What is the salary of a gaffer?

Thanks to unions such as the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, the average gaffer makes between $30,000 and $70,000 per year, and electricians on big-budget films can make much more.

What is gaffer in British slang?

gaffer \GAF-er\ noun. 1 : an old man — compare gammer. 2 a British : foreman, overseer. b British : employer. 3 : a head glassblower.

How much does a best boy make per day?

The average annual salary for a Best Boy is approximately $92,000. Los Angeles minimum wage is $150 or $160 per day, for twelve hours. People offer less for student films and no-budget passion projects.

Why is it called best boy?

Legend has it they were called ‘best boys’ because, back in the day, the people rigging up lighting, electricity or cameras would yell out for a bit of assistance by asking someone to send them ‘their best boy’. As in, the best qualified person from their team for the job at hand.

What is the difference between the key grip and gaffer?

The key grip coordinates the rigging on the film set similar to how the gaffer coordinates the lighting. The key grip works with the gaffer to convert lighting positions. The key grip is also responsible for the budget of the set, including estimates for building costs.

What is the best boy on a movie?

A best boy is the first assistant to the grip crew or the lighting department and fills a number of roles on a television or film set. While the gaffer and key grips work closely with the director of photography (cinematographer), the best boys take care of everything topside to ensure a seamless production.

Why do Cockneys call 500 a monkey?

A “monkey on the house” or simply a “monkey” was a mortgage. At that time 500 pounds was a huge sum of money to the poor people who predominantly used such slang and the only way to raise that amount of money would have been to mortgage the house.