
What is a better word for yucky?

What is a better word for yucky?

In this page you can discover 26 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for yucky, like: skanky, uncongenial, unpleasant, icky, repelling, unsympathetic, good, displeasing, foul, pain and disgusting.

What is another word for look bad?

What is another word for bad-looking?

ugly hideous
vile grim
foul awful
frightful horrible
disagreeable displeasing

What is a next word for terrible?

1 terrible, awful, appalling, frightful; hideous, grim, ghastly, shocking, revolting, repulsive, horrid, horrendous, horrifying, repellent. See synonyms for horrible on

Is yucky a slang word?

What does yucky mean? Yucky is a very informal adjective meaning gross, disgusting, or unappetizing. It’s based on yuck, which is an informal word you say when you think something is gross or disgusting.

What is a barf?

intransitive verb. US, informal : vomit Acute mountain sickness is typified by a headache that feels as if Thor himself is hammering your brain and by a strong desire to barf.—

What does it mean to feel yucky?

: causing discomfort, disgust, or a strong feeling of dislike : unpleasant and disgusting. : having an unpleasant feeling in your stomach : somewhat sick. See the full definition for yucky in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

How do you describe a dirty look?

“He shot her a dirty look, plainly expressing for her to mind her own business.”…What is another word for dirty look?

scowl frown
glower glare
grimace stare
pout death stare
death glare evil eye

Why does awful mean bad?

Originally, awful had the meaning of being awe-inspiring (including positive connotations), as well as “worthy of, or commanding, profound respect or reverential fear.” It was not a far stretch to then use it also to mean “Causing dread; terrible, dreadful, appalling.” The earliest records of these uses date back to at …

What is horribly mean?

/ˈhɒr.ə.bli/ extremely, especially in a very bad or unpleasant way: His face was horribly scarred. Their plans went horribly wrong.

What’s worse than disgusting?

loathsome, sickening, nauseous, repulsive, revolting, repugnant, abhorrent, detestable.

What is a Yakky?

Filters. (informal) Chatty, talkative.