
What happened Commander Data?

What happened Commander Data?

Data is portrayed by actor Brent Spiner. Data was found by Starfleet in 2338. He was the sole survivor on Omicron Theta in the rubble of a colony left after an attack from the Crystalline Entity….Data (Star Trek)

Gender Male
Title Chief Operations Officer Second Officer
Affiliation United Federation of Planets Starfleet

Did Data sleep with Tasha Yar?

When this episode was made, Roddenberry seized on the opportunity to fulfill his wish, and had Data have sex with Tasha Yar. This episode takes place eight years, seven months and sixteen days before Star Trek: First Contact (1996).

Can Commander Data eat?

He is show occasionally to “eat”. Unification part 1 he eats some vulcan soup and I think a couple other times he is shown to consume things outside of his bio-lubricants.

Why did Data hijack the enterprise?

In this episode, Commander Data (Brent Spiner) aborts an emergency mission and hijacks the Enterprise in response to a homing command from his “father”.

Who is Lieutenant Commander Data in Star Trek?

Lieutenant Commander Data (/ˈdeɪtə/DAY-tə) is a character in the fictional Star Trek universe portrayed by actor Brent Spiner. He appears in the television seriesStar Trek: The Next Generation and the feature films Star Trek Generations, Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Insurrection and Star Trek: Nemesis.

What happens to data’s consciousness in Star Trek?

Data requests that Picard terminate his consciousness, which would allow Data the experience of living, however briefly. Once Picard awakens, he carries out Data’s wish and Data’s consciousness rapidly ages to death. Data is immune to nearly all biological diseases and other weaknesses that can affect humans and other carbon-based lifeforms.

Who is data in Star Trek Next Generation?

… When the Enterprise enters the uncharted Mar Oscura dark matter nebula, Data is in charge of scientific observations, together with young Lieutenant Jenna D’Sora, who shows a romantic interest in him.

How did data find out Geordi was the killer?

It begins, as most holodeck-gone-wrong episodes do, with the heroes just having a bit of fun. Geordi gets frustrated when Data, rather than going through an entire Holmes mystery, ends the story early by revealing the killer. Only instead of using deduction, Data knows who committed the crime simply by having read the story already.