
What fish can you put with Kribensis?

What fish can you put with Kribensis?

Kribensis Tank Mates

  • Other Dwarf Cichlids.
  • Tiger Barbs.
  • Siamese Algae Eater.
  • Plecos.
  • Cherry Barbs.
  • Harlequin Rasboras.
  • Corydoras Catfish.
  • Congo Tetras.

Are kribs aggressive?

Krib Adults Because they are dedicated parents, kribs become aggressive while protecting their young. This aggression is usually not a problem if the aquarium is large enough, but they will protect egg and fry—violently, if necessary.

Do Kribensis eat their fry?

Plecos and Synodontis are largely krib-proof, but these armored catfish will readily eat any eggs or fry, so think twice before placing them in the tank.

How big do kribs get?

The average Kribensis Cichlid size is around 4 inches in length for males and 3 inches in length for females. That makes these dwarf Cichlids not very large at all, especially when you compare them to some of their larger relatives.

Can Kribensis live with killifish?

Kribensis will live singly and even in a community tank better than most larger cichlid species. A few companions I would recommend you try with your kribensis are platies, dwarf gourami, kuhli loach, rummy nose tetras, killifish and swordtails.

Can Kribensis cichlids live with angelfish?

Kribensis Cichlids If you plan to keep Kribensis with Angelfish, make sure no other small species are present in the tank. The Kribs and Angelfish can hold their own against each other, but small fish may fall victim to the Kribs’ aggression.

Can Kribensis live with apistogramma?

Assuming this tank is 24 inches in length, you could have one or the other species, a pair if Kribensis or a trio (1 male, 2 female) of Apistogramma cacatuoides (this is a harem species).

Will Kribensis eat neon tetras?

I would leave them in as dithers, even a fully grown male would have a tough time eating one, assuming the tetras are full grown as well. The tetras may not fit in the Krib’s mouth, But a fully grown male krib could certainly fatally injure the tetras.

Can Kribensis live with Rams?

Kribs and Rams do not do well together. They both want the same bottom territory, but the Kribs are more aggressive and the Rams are not able to hold their own against them. Long term, the Rams would likely die.

Are killifish good community fish?

Killies are usually good community fish and can be kept with other small, peaceful species that require similar water conditions, such as Neon Tetras and Rummy Nose Tetras. There is one trait of killies behavior that is VITAL that you know about while setting up your tank – almost all of them are incredible jumpers!

How many Platies should be kept together?

How many platies should be kept together? A group of three to six platies is a good starting point. As with most livebearers, the males constantly want to mate, so try to keep at least two females for every one male to give the girls a break.

Will angelfish eat Harlequin Rasboras?

Based on size, they’d eat them. Try a high-bodied tetra.

Which is the best dither fish for cichlids?

The dwarf gourami can be an excellent dither fish, especially for small cichlid varieties (like the ram cichlid and kribensis cichlid). Dwarf gourami do not form schools like most popular dither fish, but their small size and tendency to hang out in open water makes them interesting to cichlids.

Can a Kribensis cichlid be kept in an aquarium?

Kribs are often kept in community aquariums with other fairly passive fish, such as other dwarf cichlids, tetras, and small barbs. They should not be housed with slow-moving species with long and flowing fins because they can turn into fin nippers in such company.

What kind of fish can I put in my cichlid tank?

It is important to add dither fish species into aquariums containing aggressive Cichlids. The Mexican Tetra is a fast-moving fish and can be the ideal dither fish to keep with Central American Cichlids. The Rainbowfish would be the ideal companion dither fish for African Cichlids.

What kind of fish do you use for Kribensis?

For authentic fish, think of Brycinus longipinnis tetra, and Pareutropius buffei catfish (above). Aphyosemion gulare killifish are abundant in the same areas as P. pulcher and make a pleasing enough companion. The water for wild Kribs needs to be neutral to slightly acidic with a pH value of between 5.6 and 7.0 and a hardness as low as 2-3°KH.