
What does Summonsing mean?

What does Summonsing mean?

1 : to issue a call to convene : convoke. 2 : to command by service of a summons to appear in court. 3 : to call upon for specified action. 4 : to bid to come : send for summon a physician.

What is the part of speech of summon?

part of speech: transitive verb. inflections: summons, summoning, summoned.

What is summon short answer?

Summons, also called Citation, in law, document issued by a court ordering a specific person to appear at a specific time for some specific purpose. It is issued either directly to the person or to a law officer who must carry out the instructions.

What does nuanced mean in English?

: having nuances : having or characterized by subtle and often appealingly complex qualities, aspects, or distinctions (as in character or tone) a nuanced performance Whenever the movie focusses on Van Doren and Goodwin and Stempel, it treats them as nuanced human beings.

What does catatonic mean in English?

: a psychomotor disturbance that may involve muscle rigidity, stupor or mutism, purposeless movements, negativism, echolalia, and inappropriate or unusual posturing and is associated with various medical conditions (such as schizophrenia and mood disorders)

What kind of dictionaries are most useful?

Let’s look at five different kinds of dictionaries to see which one is best for you.

  • Dual-language dictionary. This is probably the first kind of dictionary you saw when you started learning English.
  • Single-language dictionary.
  • Electronic dictionary.
  • Online Dictionaries.
  • Apps.

What is a word for summon up?

What is another word for summon up?

recall evoke
revive think of
conjure up awaken
think back to rediscover
renew summon back

What means burgled?

transitive verb. : to break into and steal from (a home, business, etc.) : burglarize One area resident tells Newsweek her house had been burgled a few years ago while she and her husband were inside.—

What feebly means?

1 : lacking in strength or endurance a feeble old dog. 2 : not effective or sufficient a feeble attempt Her feeble cry could not be heard. Other Words from feeble. feebleness \ -​bəl-​nəs \ noun. feebly \ -​blē \ adverb.

Is nuance a bad word?

When is nuance bad? A. In social theory, nuance is bad when it becomes a kind of free-floating demand to make things “richer” or “more sophisticated” by adding complexity, detail, or levels of analysis, in the absence of any real way of disciplining how you add them.

What is the definition of summons?

summons – Legal Definition. n. A written notice for a person to appear before a court under penalty of having a judgment entered against that person for failing to appear; a written notice to a person to appear for jury duty; a written notice to appear in court to testify as a witness in a case. Synonymous with subpoena.

What is the definition of summon?

Definition of Summon. In law, the summon is a notice issued by the court to the persons involved in the lawsuit, containing an order for appearing or for producing a document/ thing before the judge.

What is a synonym for summon?

summon, summons, cite(verb) call in an official matter, such as to attend court. Synonyms: abduce, muster up, reference, marshal, bring up, mention, name, advert, come up, muster, mobilise, quote, mobilize, summons, cite, refer, adduce, rally. summon(verb) ask to come. “summon a lawyer”.

What is federal summons?

A federal summons is a legal document which summons someone to an appearance in a federal court. Someone who receives a federal summons is legally required to respond, and there are several ways in which someone can respond to the summons. It is advisable to contact a lawyer if served with a federal summons to discuss options and plan a response.