What does St Lucia speak?
What does St Lucia speak?
Saint Lucia/Official languages
Saint Lucian Creole French (Kwéyòl [kwejɔl]), known locally as Patwa, is the French-based Creole widely spoken in Saint Lucia. It is the vernacular language of the country and is spoken alongside the official language of English.
Do St Lucians speak patois?
The official language in St Lucia is English. However, Patois (also refered to as Creole) is also widely spoken. Creole is based on French, and many of the words are similar, if not the same.
What’s the difference between Creole and Patois in St Lucia?
However, Patois (also refered to as Creole) is also widely spoken. Creole is based on French, and many of the words are similar, if not the same. For example, “Hello” is still “Bonjour” and “Thank-you” is still “Merci”. As a starter for 10, below is some basic translation of some English words, translated into patois.
What kind of French do they speak in Saint Lucia?
Saint Lucian Creole French. The Creole is also known as patois or Patwa, and it is used by approximately 95% of the local population. Saint Lucian Creole French is a variant of the Antillean Creole language family and is widely used in music and literature.
Do you know how to say hello in St Lucia?
Creole is based on French, and many of the words are similar, if not the same. For example, “Hello” is still “Bonjour” and “Thank-you” is still “Merci”. As a starter for 10, below is some basic translation of some English words, translated into patois. You can hear how these words are spoken at www.stlucia1979.com 2. Two 3. Three 4. Four 5. Five
Why is Kweyol the language of St Lucia?
For me the Kwéyòl Language is a language of the heart and expresses our ‘Saint Lucian-ness.’ I love meeting with our older citizens who speak the Kwéyòl as their first and sometimes only language, as they share stories about St Lucia and its history.