
What does Maho mean in Hawaiian?

What does Maho mean in Hawaiian?

The 33-year-old identifies as mahu — a gender role in traditional Hawaiian society that refers to people who exhibit both feminine and masculine traits. “You’re someone in the middle.

What is a Mahu in slang?

In French Polynesia, there is a sociological and anthropological condition called RaeRae or Mahu. A RaeRae is a man who behaves as and considers himself to be a woman. In addition, Mahu seems to be a derogatory term for a male homosexual or drag queen in the Hawaiian Islands.

What does Lolo mean in Hawaiian?

LOLO (lō-lō) A Hawaiian language word meaning dumb, goofy or crazy. “Did you hear what he said? That guy’s lolo.”

What does Mawho mean?

In modern day Hawaiʻi it is a commonly used slang word for transvestite and transgender persons. Aikāne is a traditional Kanaka Maoli term for a kane who is the male lover of another kane or man.

What does Shoots mean in Hawaiian?

Shoots. Shoots is slang for okay or an acknowledgment. “We go to da beach, brah? Shoots!”

Why Do Hawaiians say brah?

One of the most common Hawaiian pidgin terms is that of brah, meaning “brother”. And, as you might’ve guessed, a brah doesn’t have to be your brother by blood.

What does Opala mean in Hawaiian?

[Hawaiian Dictionary(Hwn to Eng)] ʻō.pala. nvs. Trash, rubbish, refuse, litter, waste matter, junk, garbage, muck; littered (said also of “trashy” people); riff-raff.

What does okole Maluna mean?

bottoms up
ʻŌkole maluna, Hawaiian translation of English toast “bottoms up” [this expression is condemned by older Hawaiians as vulgar and indecent because of the sacredness of the human body in, old belief].

What does Hapuna mean in Hawaiian?

spring of life
The deliberately named waters of Hapuna Beach – Hapuna means “spring of life” in Hawaiian – are probably the most loved on all of the Big Island. Both visitors and residents flock to this beach on the South Kohala coast, and encourage you to do the same.

Why do people say shoots in Hawaii?

Shoots is slang for okay or an acknowledgment. “We go to da beach, brah? Shoots!”

What does high Maka Maka mean?

stuck up or pretentious
High maka maka is a great expression and difficult to translate. It means stuck up or pretentious. “I don’t enjoy working with Sally; she’s so high maka maka.” 6. Puka means hole.

What does the name Maho mean?

The meaning of maho abbreviation is “Michigan Association of Housing Officials”. What is maho abbreviation? One of the definitions of maho is “Michigan Association of Housing Officials”.

What does the Hawaiian word mahea mean?

A submission from California, U.S. says the name Mahea means “Moonlight” and is of Hawaiian origin. According to a user from California, U.S., the name Mahea is of Hawaiian origin and means “Fruit of the world”.

What does Mahu mean Hawaiian?

‘Mahu’ is a Hawaiian term that describes a man who has chosen to live as a woman and in the ancient (pre-missionary) culture, such individuals were respected and regarded as important members of the community. (The image shown is that of a Hawaiian transgender hula group,…

What is the Hawaiian dictionary?

Lorrin Andrews wrote the first Hawaiian dictionary, called A Dictionary of the Hawaiian Language. In it he describes aloha as “A word expressing different feelings; love, affection, gratitude, kindness, pity, compassion, grief, the modern common salutation at meeting; parting”.