
What does Kino mean in Kamba?

What does Kino mean in Kamba?

KINO is an abusive word in kikamba meaning ass.

How do you say my love in Kikuyu?

A collection of useful phrases in Kikuyu (Gĩkũyũ), a Bantu language spoken mainly in the Central Province of Kenya….Useful phrases in Kikuyu.

Phrase Gĩkũyũ (Kikuyu)
I miss you
I love you nĩngwendete
Get well soon hona na ihenya
Go away! thiĩ!

How many people speak Kamba?

Kamba, also sometimes referred to as Mukamba or Akamba in plural form, is a major language of Kenya with 4 million speakers and growing. There is also a small Kamba speaking population in Tanzania. The Kamba make up about 11% of Kenya’s population.

How do you say miss you in Kamba?

‘ We missed you. ‘” Ko tũteĩla kũmwona tene!

How do you say hi in Kikamba?

Nĩ mbaka yakwa. Mwende: Ai, mbaka yaku nĩ nene. Mwende: Hello, Ndũnge. Ndũnge: Hello, Mwende.

What is Kino Internet slang?

Kino can variously refer to a category of art-house cinema on internet message boards, an experimental film movement, or, controversially, a term for intimate touch among so-called pickup artists.

What does Thayu mean in English?

There are other cultural greeting terms which are commonly used such as “Niatia” (How are you) which is less polite than “Thayu” (Peace be upon you).

What is I love you in Luo?

i cito kwe. I love you. I LOVE YOU….AMOLLO III TRANSLATION. i miss you. i saw.

Is Kamba a Bantu?

Kamba, Bantu-speaking people of Kenya. They are closely related to the neighbouring Kikuyu. Though primarily agriculturists, the Kamba keep considerable numbers of cattle, sheep, and goats. Their main staple crops are millet, sorghum, and corn (maize).

How do you say I miss you in Kamba?

What are some of the most common Kamba words?

Here are some of the common Kamba words that I’m sure you have said or heard somewhere: 1. Asi Someone would say ‘asi’ while excited or happy. An exclamation word commonly used by ladies. Others would even prolong it to ‘asisi’, to emphasize on the excitement.

What kind of language is Kikamba in Kenya?

It is intended as a prototype of a Kikamba language textbook. Kikamba is a Bantu language spoken in Kenya. Like many Bantu languages, it features numerous noun classes and a rich verbal morphology.

What do you say to someone in Kikamba?

In Kikamba, to say hello to someone, you say… If someone says “Nay&utilde” to you, you say… Culture Note! Nay&utildeand n&itilde k&utildeseoare only used between people of similar ages. Verbs An affix is the friend of a word. In Kikamba, words are a lot like people. Instead of being on their own, they like to be with their friends.

What does Thi Naku mean in Kamba language?

The seven-word name means come, let’s go. It’s among the commonly used Kamba names even by non-kambas trying to speak the language. 4. Thi naku