
What does ecole normale superieure mean in english?

What does ecole normale superieure mean in english?

An école normale supérieure (French pronunciation: ​[ekɔl nɔʁmal sypeʁjœʁ]) or ENS is a type of publicly funded higher education institution in France. When institutes for primary teachers training called écoles normales were created in 1845, the word supérieure (meaning upper) was added to form the current name.

Why is it called Ecole Normale?

The decree establishing the school, issued on 30 October 1794 (9 brumaire an III), states in its first article that “There will be established in Paris an Ecole normale (literally, a normal school), where, from all the parts of the Republic, citizens already educated in the useful sciences shall be called upon to learn …

How do you get to ENS Paris?

Apply to ENS International selection for the first time, Having not lived in France more than 10 months during the year of the application and the year before. Justify you have validated at least two years of undergraduate studies in a foreign university (outside France), on September 1st, after the final jury.

Where is the Ecole Normale Superieure located in Paris?

As of January 2014, there are four existing ENSes: the École normale supérieure located in Paris, the École normale supérieure de Lyon located in Lyon, the École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay in Cachan near Paris and the École normale supérieure de Rennes near Rennes .

When did the Ecole Normale Superieure change its name?

After the July Revolution, the school regained its original name of École normale and in 1845 was renamed École normale supérieure.

What did women study at the Ecole Normale Superieure?

The concours, called B/L (the A/L concours standing for the traditional letters and human sciences), greatly emphasises proficiency in mathematics and economics alongside training in philosophy and literature. For a long time, most women were taught at a separate ENS, the École normale supérieure de jeunes filles at Sèvres. However]

When did the Ecole Normale de l’an III start?

The école normale de l’an III had renowned teachers such as Laplace, Lagrange, and Berthollet but actually only functioned for four months, from 20 January 1795 to 19 May 1795 or in the then in use French Republican Calendar from 1er pluviose of year III until 30 floréal of year III.