
What does D C in medical terms mean?

What does D C in medical terms mean?

dilatation and curettage
D and C: Stands for dilatation and curettage. This is a very common gynecologic procedure in which the cervix of the uterus is expanded (dilated) so the cervical canal and endometrium (the uterine lining) can be scraped off with a spoon-shaped instrument called a curet or curette. This is a relatively minor procedure.

What is D C mean?


Acronym Definition
D/C Date Code
D/C Direct Current (electricity; also seen as DC)
D/C Discharge (from a hospital, medical care, etc)
D/C Double Cab

What is D C in nursing?

DC or d/c. Discontinue or Discharge.

Can a DC prescribe medication?

Chiropractors cannot prescribe medicine or do surgery. Chiropractors emphasize the alignment of the spine for good health. So they often perform spinal adjustments with their hands or a small tool.

What does D&C mean medical?

Definition of D&C. (Entry 1 of 2) : a medical procedure in which the uterine cervix is dilated and a curette is inserted into the uterus to scrape away the endometrium (as for the diagnosis or treatment of abnormal bleeding or for surgical abortion during the early part of the second trimester of pregnancy) : dilation and curettage.

What does DC mean in medicine?

DC means Doctor of Chiropractic. In medicine, DC means Doctor of Chiropractic. The meaning of DC is Doctor of Chiropractic.

What does DC mean for a doctor?

The title “DC” stands for “Doctor of Chiropractic”. “Doctor” literally means “teacher”. Therefore, in keeping true to our title, we educate our patients about their condition, how to improve their health and how to stay as healthy as possible. Similarly, your MD [Medical Doctor] should do the same.

What is DC in medical terms?

A doctor of chiropractic (DC), chiropractor or chiropractic physician, is a medical professional who is trained to diagnose and treat disorders of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.Some chiropractors specialize in areas including: A visit with a chiropractor is similar to other doctor appointments.