
What does ANS mean in anatomy?

What does ANS mean in anatomy?

autonomic nervous system. Listen to pronunciation. (AW-toh-NAH-mik NER-vus SIS-tem) The part of the nervous system that controls muscles of internal organs (such as the heart, blood vessels, lungs, stomach, and intestines) and glands (such as salivary glands and sweat glands).

What is the difference between ANS and PNS?

The PNS links the CNS to the body’s sense receptors, muscles, and glands. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is the division of the PNS that governs the internal activities of the human body, including heart rate, breathing, digestion, salivation, perspiration, urination, and sexual arousal.

What is an autonomic response?

The autonomic nervous system is a control system that acts largely unconsciously and regulates bodily functions, such as the heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, pupillary response, urination, and sexual arousal. This system is the primary mechanism in control of the fight-or-flight response.

What does ANS mean in medical terms?

ANS – the part of the nervous system of vertebrates that controls involuntary actions of the smooth muscles and heart and glands. autonomic nervous system.

What is the sympathetic division of the ANS?

The sympathetic nervous system (SNS), also known as the sympathetic division and the thoracolumbar division (in humans), is one of the main subdivisions of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) of vertebrates; often known as the “fight or flight system,” it functions in energy generation and arousal, helping to mobilize the body during times of

What does the medical abbreviation ANS mean?

What does ANS mean? autonomic nervous system, ANS (noun) the part of the nervous system of vertebrates that controls involuntary actions of the smooth muscles and heart and glands

What is the autonomic nervous system responsible for?

The autonomic system is the part of the peripheral nervous system that is responsible for regulating involuntary body functions, such as heartbeat, blood flow, breathing, and digestion.