What do you mean by pendulous?
What do you mean by pendulous?
1 archaic : poised without visible support. 2a : suspended so as to swing freely branches hung with pendulous vines. b : inclined or hanging downward pendulous jowls. 3 : marked by vacillation, indecision, or uncertainty.
What is a pendulous lip?
adjective. Something that is pendulous hangs downwards and moves loosely, usually in an unattractive way. [literary] …a stout, gloomy man with a pendulous lower lip.
What is the meaning of pendulous abdomen?
The hanging downwards of the abdomen over the pelvis, usually due to weakness and lack of firmness of the abdominal muscles.
Is Pendulously a word?
1. Hanging loosely; suspended so as to swing or sway. 2. Wavering; undecided.
How to find the natural frequency of a pendulum?
I want to find natural frequency of simple pendulum given by formula (t=2*pi* (l/g)^.5) but I am getting the wrong answer. I have made a hole at the top of string and I have applied a re volute joint (body to ground at the cylindrical face of the hole) .
Which is the correct description of the natural frequency?
Natural frequency, also known as eigenfrequency, is the frequency at which a system tends to oscillate in the absence of any driving or damping force. The motion pattern of a system oscillating at its natural frequency is called the normal mode (if all parts of the system move sinusoidally with that same frequency).
What is the meaning of the word pendulous?
Below a flattened, shapeless wedge of nose, his thick pendulous lips worked in and out in worried and laborious thought. In despairing rapture I clutched after a neck ornament hung with pendulous pearls as large as plums.
Which is the natural frequency in radians per second?
ω0 = natural frequency in radians per second. If we desire the natural frequency, we simply divide the omega value by 2 π. Or: m = mass (SI unit: kg). While doing a modal analysis, the frequency of the 1st mode is the fundamental frequency. ^ “sidfn”. Phon.ucl.ac.uk. Archived from the original on 2013-01-06. Retrieved 2012-11-27.