
What do you do at a reading club?

What do you do at a reading club?

10 Ways To Make A Book Club Fun And Not Intense

  • Spend Your First Day Getting To Know Everyone And Come Up With A Club Name.
  • Keep Book Choices Under 300 Pages.
  • Celebrate After Finishing A Book.
  • Switch Up Your Meeting Spots.
  • Use An Online Calendar.
  • Open Up Book Discussion With A Game.

What do students do in book clubs?

During book clubs, students meet in small, heterogeneous groups to discuss a book that they have all read or listened to. Through sharing their thinking, they build a richer understanding than any one student could gain from independent reading alone.

How do you start a reading club at school?


  1. Have fun!
  2. Don’t make the members feel like you’re in charge.
  3. Compile a list of questions based on the book for when the discussion slows down.
  4. Allow non-members to facilitate every once in a while.
  5. Don’t make it so that everything just happens in the book club.
  6. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0.

What are the benefits of a reading club?

The Benefits of Book Clubs

  • Book clubs promote a love of literature in a positive, nurturing environment.
  • Book clubs encourage critical thinking and deeper engagement with stories.
  • Book clubs provide accountability for students in reading and reading comprehension.

What kind of books do you need for a reading club?

Mostly, you need good reading material to keep everyone interested – picture books; novels; fantasy and history books; books on adventures, travels, galaxies and dinosaurs; how-to books; sports and adventure stories; poetry, rhymes and songs; newspapers and magazines.

Who are the leaders of the reading clubs?

Our reading clubs are safe, informal spaces where children can freely arrive to engage with books and stories. These clubs are run by Nal’iabli representatives, volunteers, parents, librarians and FUNda Leaders. YOU can start or join a reading club too!

Do you have to be a librarian to join a reading club?

YOU can start or join a reading club too! In fact, reading clubs are run best by people who love stories and books and want to help children grow to love reading. You don’t have to be a teacher or librarian – you can learn about the world of children’s stories and books at the reading club.

Why are book clubs good for your students?

Book clubs are great ways for students to interact with each other as well as new texts. Whether you choose to assign reading roles or just let students go with the flow naturally, the activities in this packet have just enough structure to pull students through the text without getting lost in the