
What CPT code is 97597?

What CPT code is 97597?

CPT codes 97597 and 97598 are used for wet-to-dry dressings, application of medications with enzymes to dissolve dead tissue, whirlpool baths, minor removal of loose fragments with scissors, scraping away tissue with sharp instruments, debridement with pulse lavage, high-pressure irrigation, incision, and drainage.

What CPT code replaced 80104?

Qualitative drug screen testing is only eligible for reimbursement when reported with Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System Level II (HCPCS) codes G0431 (as replacement of CPT codes 80100 and 80101) and/or G0434 (as replacement of CPT code 80104)and both codes are eligible for one unit of reimbursement per date of …

Can CPT 97597 be billed alone?

Debridements should be coded with either selective or non-selective CPT codes (97597, 97598, or 97602) unless the medical record supports a surgical debridement has been performed. Dressings applied to the wound are part of the services for CPT codes 97597, 97598 and 97602 and they may not be billed separately.

What is the replacement code for CPT code 80101?

80101- Effective April 1, 2010, CPT code 80101 will no longer be covered by Medicare, and CPT code 80101-QW will be deleted. New test code G0431 is a direct replacement for CPT code 80101.

When to use CPT 97597 and 97602?

A physician, NPP or therapist acting within their scope of practice and licensure may provide debridement services and use the PM&R codes including CPT 97597, 97598 and 97602. These codes must only be billed for services that include medically necessary skilled debridement services.

When to use confirmation of drug testing ( 80102 )?

Confirmation of drug testing (80102) is indicated when (1) the results of the qualitative screen are presumptively positive or (2) results of the qualitative screen are negative and this negative finding is inconsistent with the patient’s medical history.

What are the requirements for CPT code 97139?

For CPT code 97139, unlisted therapeutic procedure, the information supplied to the contractor must specify the procedure furnished and also meet the other requirements for therapeutic procedures, i.e., the process of effecting change, through the application of clinical skills or services that attempt to improve function.