
What causes hard starting engine?

What causes hard starting engine?

Fouled plugs are one of the most common reasons for a hard starting engine. This can lead to prolonged cranking before the engine will start. Clogged Fuel Filter: A fuel filter that is clogged can make a vehicle very difficult to start. The fuel filter screens out contaminants and can become clogged over time.

How do you diagnose hard starting?

How to Troubleshoot a Car That is Hard to Start

  1. Step 1: Insert your key.
  2. Step 2: Starter pushes the flywheel or flexplate.
  3. Step 3: The engine turns over.
  4. Step 1: Start the car in Park.
  5. Step 2: Check the battery.
  6. Step 3: Check the starter.
  7. Step 4: Check the spark.
  8. Step 5: Check the fuel.

How much is a starter for a 2002 Mitsubishi Galant?

2002 Mitsubishi Galant Starter – from $113.99+ |

Why does my car sound like it’s struggling to start?

It sounds like you may have a failing voltage regulator or failing alternator. When the alternator is not working properly, this may result in the battery quickly losing charge and the car losing all power. You may also notice a whining sound as a result of the bearings inside the alternator begin to fail.

What does it mean when your car cranks but wont start?

When your engine cranks but won’t start or run, it could mean your engine is having trouble producing a spark, getting fuel, or creating compression. The most common causes are problems in the ignition (for example, a bad ignition coil) or fuel system (for example, a clogged fuel filter).

Can timing cause hard start?

Usually, hard starting occurs when the ignition timing is too advanced, not retarded. An overly advanced condition will cause backfire through the carb and overly retarded will cause backfire through the exhaust. If you are not using a timing light, I would recommend that you do so.

Where is the starter located on a 2004 Mitsubishi Galant?

The starter is held in place by two 14mm bolts. On the engine (passenger) side, there is a 14x30mm bolt threading into the transaxle from the bottom of the starter. On the transaxle (driver) side, there is a longer 14x50mm bolt threading into the top of the starter.