What causes code P2187?
What causes code P2187?
What Does P2187 Mean? Combustion engines run most efficiently when they maintain an air-fuel mixture ratio of 14.7 parts air to 1 part fuel. When there are more than 14.7 parts air to 1 part fuel in the air-fuel mixture, a lean condition exists and code P2187 is triggered when this is noticed at idle on bank 1.
How do I fix error code P2189?
What repairs can fix the P2189 code?
- Repair of a leaking air intake.
- Replacement of a faulty gas cap seal.
- Repair or replacement of leaking exhaust system components.
- Repairing a mechanical issue in one or more of the bank 2 fuel injectors.
- Replacement of a faulty manifold absolute pressure sensor.
What does p2187 mean on a car engine?
NOTE #1: Code P2187 indicates an issue with the air/fuel mixture when the engine is running at idle; issues with the air/fuel mixture when the engine is running above idling speed is generally indicated by other codes, some of which may be manufacturer specific.
What causes a p2187 intake air leak?
P2187 Possible Causes Intake air leaks Faulty front heated oxygen sensor Ignition misfiring Faulty fuel injectors Incorrect fuel pressure Lack of fuel Faulty Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor Incorrect Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) hose connection
What causes the p2187 DTC system to lean at idle?
Potential Causes of P2187 DTC. Air leaking into the intake manifold downstream from the Mass Airflow sensor due to the manifold itself, vacuum hoses off or cracked, leak MAP sensor, Leak at turbo bypass or it’s stuck open, power brake booster hose, or a leak in the EVAP system hoses.
Is the code p2189 the same as Bank 2?
Code P2189 is the same code but for Bank #2. There is a laundry list of components that could cause this scenario. For the most part the diagnostic procedure is not difficult — just time consuming, unless it is one of the first items checked.